Pedder 'Homebake' - History and Origin
Pedder 'Homebake' was created in 2010 by two passionate trout anglers firstly as an idea and then an experiment. In a remote Tasmanian loungeroom, competition angling was discussed and it was decided that an event would be formed where the anglers could only use hand crafted or hand made lures to catch fish, namely brown trout. The event was scheduled for a time in October/November each year and would be held in Lake Pedder, in the wilderness area of south west Tasmania.
Lake Pedder was chosen for the following reasons;
It was in a magnificent part of Australia and a unique environment in the world. It is remote and scenery is spectacular with ample scope for other activities in the area like bushwalking, mountain climbing, caving and general tourist sight seeing.
Lake Pedder has an historical part in the trout fishing of Tasmania - it also has a controversial past with the damming of the original Lake Pedder and the Gordon River Catchment created in 1974 . .
Lake Pedder has an over abundance of trout with Tasmania Fisheries encouraging anglers to take the bag limit home which is currently set at 20 fish per person per day. Pedder 'Homebake' actually helps decrease the population in conjunction with other angling competitions (Back to Pedder) and general angling pressure.
Historically Lake Pedder is reknowned for trophy sized trout and in its heyday in the 1970's after flooding, the introduced brown trout virtually decimated the native Pedder galaxia population (now protected and endangered). The result was giant trout and many captures over 10lb were common with multiple fish in this size range expected on any fishing day in the late 1970's.
There is lots of room for everyone with ample space, parking and water to explore.
The following competition rules were decided upon;
The mission of this fishing competition is to promote hand made lures
It was decided in 2013 that there would be no entrance fee to Pedder 'Homebake' to encourage as many lure makers to attend.
There will be an opportunity for all participants to purchase, trade or
swap lures and for those who are struggling to make enough lures for
themselves to purchase lures on the day.
1. Anglers to attend
Lake Pedder in Tasmania at ones own expense which may include
accomodation and boat hire if chosen. A valid Tasmanian Angling License
or permit will be required to fish. Boat is recommended although you
will pick up fish from the shore. Can assist with accomodation options
if required. Gentlemans hours 10-4pm. There may be an option for a
nightime surface lure 'Fish Cake' event following the daytime event.
All participants must only use hand crafted/made lures in the
competition. They can be constructed of anything but can only be used
with a spinning rod and reel. The lure selection MUST contain a 'spotted
dog' pattern. Lure selection can be no more than 25 lures with 5
reserves. Only 1 rod per person per day ie; a boat containing 3 people
can use 3 rods while trolling.
3. Prize for biggest fish, most
fish (individual bag) - fish will need to be presented to the weigh in
area. This is not a catch and release comp (Lake Pedder is known to have
too many fish and it is recomended that people keep the fish caught due
to overpopulation). Biggest fish catcher receives their name on the
perpetual trophy (Esoteric Nude Backward Gilgie). The inaugural prize in
Pedder Homebake 2011 went to Matt Dayton of Hobart, Tasmania with a
fish that went 3.5 lb. Most fish went to David Dick of Maydena, Tasmania
with 15 fish for the day. Prize packs will be Esoteric and Powell lures
++. The 2012 winners were David Dick with most fish and Nathan got
biggest fish last year.
4. The event will run regardless of
weather conditions unless of course its snowing or gale force winds.
Please drive with caution in this area due to logging trucks and rampant
wildlife. Seriously Lake Pedder is worth visiting for the scenery alone
and wildlife is abundant - I think the wildlife count returning last
year was about 135 animals which included a giant wedge tailed eagle,
Bennets wallabies and Pademelons, numbats, owls and the list goes on.
5. This will also be an opportunity for lure makers to meet and greet, swap, chat and network.