Pedder 'Homebake' 2018 was held on Saturday 10th November, 2018. Although the weather was a little wet, the wind was 20-25km/hr most of the day and fishing was relatively good although the fish were hard to hook. There were 8 boats this year including Team Denmen (Peter Denmen & Brian Fros), Team Dread (David Dick & Roger Dayle), Team Surf (Mat Dayton and son Alec), Team Old Cobber (Scott Norton & Chris Watts), Team Adept (Andrew DeVries and Ben Campbell, Team Hole (Richard Hole and son) Team Launceston (Ron Springer & 'The Stonemason'), Team Nobby (Neil Nobby Clark and Kids)
The following honour role for this years awards are;
1. Biggest Fish - Scott Norton - Powell prize pack including special edition Powell Pedder Homebake cap
2. Most fish (7) - Mat Dayton - Mixed Lures prize pack (4 lures)
3. Mystery award - Andrew DeVries (most fish caught on Adept Lures). Special trophy to be forwarded to Andrew by Xmas.
4. Lucky Dip prizes - a wide selection of specially created lures made by Homebake participants and other donated items. Lures include Hobbled, MXB, THL, Fysshe and Morrie Kneebone Lures as well as a few other surprises.
Pedder Hombake BBQ ceremony with the Tasmanian luremakers. From left - Andrew DeVries (Adept Lures), Brian Fros Lures, ITB Lures (Mat Dayton and Alec Dayton), Scott Norton (Old Cobber and timber lures), Denmen Lures (Peter Denmen), Roger Dayle (MXB Lures, NSW), Ben Campbell hiding in the back (Hobbled Lures), David Dick (THL Lures), Owen & Richard Hole, Chris Watts (hiding)
The drive through the Sentinels was spectacular this year with mist and rising cloud over the mountain peaks. Rain on the top of O'Shea and the view from the water looking towards the wilderness
There were some great lures that were made for Homebake this year. A little Morrie Kneebone lure was given to Team Hole and Owen caught 6 six fish during the day on this very bright creation. There were a number of 6 fish bags among the competitors. Biggest fish was a little under 2 pound and there was a number of fish caught that went close to biggest fish for the day.
The story of the lost THL