Alpha Lures - M.B.Wragg & Co - VIC:
M. B. Wragg and Company Pty Ltd - VIC:
M.B. Wragg & Company was among Australia’s oldest trading companies and in many ways its history reflects the social and business changes that have taken place over the same period. M.B. Wragg & Co. was formed in 1883 by John Davey Wragg, and he named the company in honour of his wife, Margaret Bennet Wragg. John D. Wragg was from the outset an agent for the British fishing tackle maker, S. Allcock & Co. for almost 50 years, when the firm first commenced manufacture of their own ‘Alpha’ brand of tackle in 1931. This involved a big commitment to the then cutting edge bakelite plastic technology. There is some interesting history about the early 'Alpha' products that is available and shows several early postcards - one which is dated Xmas 1929 and predates the launch of the 'Alpha' brand name onto the market in 1931.
This information is from

(Above Left) Record of registration of the 'Alpha' trademark that was lodged and approved by 25th August, 1906. This was renewed in February, 1977 when the company became involved in outdoor clothing as opposed to fishing tackle.
The above p/card has a blue ‘Alpha’ cogwheel shield trade mark, as well as a large fish chasing a fly. Unknown date.
(Left) Variation on the “Alpha” Fishing Tackle advertisement is seen in this cover that has clouds, conifer trees on the hill, a fish that has taken the fly, and the fisherman standing in the lake ready to scoop the fish into a net. The ‘Alpha’ trade mark is in red, and the address for the M.B. Wragg & Co. is given more fully as being at Cochrane Street, Gardenvale.

The ‘Alpha’ lure above is an early unknown model sewn to an early card. Exact date is unknown however it probably dates to the mid 1930's and is a spectacular piece that was uncovered at Expo 2019.
The ‘Alpha’ brand rapidly grew in popularity and it was not long before the company established export markets in Canada, South Africa and New Zealand. W. B Wragg and Company was the umbrella manufacturing and distribution company for the 'Alpha' brand name of cod spinners and many other products. Below is an early 'Rainbow wobbler' that was an early release and gone by the 1970's.

(Right) An early plastic devon style lure called the 'Omega' and original metal winged devon. The card sheds some information about the company as they were located in Gardenvale, the same as the 1948 advert below so it could be assumed that this lure is a similar vintage and dates into and early 1960's. The card is branded with the Alpha logo within a fish and the Alpha badge with the W inside it. Note metal sleeve and hook setup for harness.

Shown is an early advertisement from 1948 when the company was located at 117 Cochrane St, Gardenvale in Victoria. The Alpha range included centrepin reels and other products including lures. There were a number of different saltwater spinning lures that were available but they are often overlooked or not identified. These type of lures although vintage do not seem to be in high demand by collectors at present and were produced in large numbers - certainly many would have been lost over the years by fisherman. Most models came in six sizes up to 2 1/2 oz.

The Alpha spoon called the 'Wild Cat' was released in a 3/8oz size. Unsure of exact date of release but lure although it was still advertised in 1968/69 in advertisment left.

Below is an earlier 'Slim Jim'.

A picturesque trade card for the Alpha 'Billabong', a model that lasted into the 1970's

The Alpha 'Aero Cod Spinner' came in 6 sizes and the blades will be marked with the model number and the Alpha badge logo. This style of lure had been around since the early 1900's when the giant USA Pflueger company were making rotating blade spinners in large sizes for musky. These lures are reasonably common and in high demand by collectors - there are also many other hand made cod spinners in a large array of sizes that appear from time to time. Prices vary but they will fetch from $10 - $50 depending on vintage and condition. The Alpha badge markings and numbers did change marginally over the years. For example the lure below has the original hooks and vinyl skirt which would date this lure to the 1960's

Below is the 1968/9 product and price list where the company, 20 years later, has relocated to 638 Queensbury St, Nth Melbourne. It seems at some time in the late 1960's that they had the distribution rights for the Flopy from Rublex in France and Flatfish Lures made by Helins in Canada - both lures that had taken the world by storm at the time. Noted that an improved version of the legendary D.K 'King Codder' was also available as was the Wonder Surf Rider and Smiths Jigs.