Australian Lure Manufacturers F
If you know of an Australian lure maker no matter how young or old that we have not mentioned in the following list feel free to contact us to have the details added or updated.
F & O Lures - NSW :
F & O Lures are a recent addition to the handcrafted timber lure market and are made in Wagga Wagga, NSW.

Fairdinkum Lures - NSW :
Fairdinkum Lures were made in Inverell by Des Lane. Des is in his 80's (2016) and made timber lures in the 1990's and sold a few through the abattoir at Inverell, Inglewood and Yetman stores. He was also employed as a Coca-Cola salesman at some time during his career and loved his river fishing.

A couple of Fairdinkum Lures featuring the characteristic dolls eyes

Fallon Lures, Gordon Fallon Lures - QLD :
Gordon Fallon was responsible for the Kingfisher Lures best known for the poppers that were later moulded by Lively Lures. Below is an earlier timber model that was marketed under 'Fallon Lures'. Note the earlier models will have the pin eyes and later the reverse shadow eye.

Fango Lures - QLD:
Made by Alan Hopkins in Bundaburg, Queensland. Fango Lures are only made in small numbers and there are few designs including smaller lures. Unsure if they are still being made in 2018.

Farm Creek Lures - QLD:
Made by Terry Baker who is from Killarney, near Warwick in QLD. Farm Creek Lures have recently been sold in small amounts on Ebay since June 2014. The lure below is named the 'Wally' and the lures are handcrafted from timber.

Farm Creek - 'Wally'

Some examples of Farm Creek Lures from the 2017 Expo in Ipswich showing some of the mouse lures in various sizes (left) and the multi-jointed cod models.

Far Q Lures - NSW:
A recent addition to the Australian lure making scene in the last few years and currently available. Big jointed 'wakebaits' made by Rob Gaden on the north coast of NSW and other bibbed models.
The Far Q Lure brand was sold by Rob in 2018 and is now owned by Peter Baskerville of Basko Lures.

Far Q Lure 'Fang' - a multi-jointed wakebait made in 6 and 8 inch

Fatal Attraction Lures - VIC :
Fatal Attraction Lures were made in Thornbury, Victoria by Adrian Ceravolo . The lure consist of a 12.5 gram hollow metal tube with a treble hook on one end and a small spinner blade on the other end . The centre of the hollow tube is cut away so as to leave a bubble trail or packed with berley to target species such as Trout , Redfin, Australian Salmon and Mackeral.
Fathom Lures - TAS :
Fathom Lures carry on the tradition of Tasmanian makers who manufacture cobra style lures. A hand made product with a wide range of colours. Made by Kim Rossendal and available in 2018. The complete colour range is shown below by permission from Fathom Lures. Available in 3 sizes and 50 colours.

1. Speckled Trout Brown

5. Silver Gum

9. Corroboree Brown

13. Night Crawler

17. Iced Peppermint

21. Spotted Peppermint

25. Spotted Passion

29. Passionfruit

33. Red Beetle

37. Sherbet

41. Green Backed Perch

45. Red Belly

2. Speckled Trout Green

6. Great Lake Catcher

10. Traffic Light

14. Pinker Pinker

18. Chickenpox

22. Spotted Worm

26. Snap Dragon

30. Leopard

34. Humbug

38. Red Back

42. Mosquito

46. Balmy Army

3. Speckled Trout Gold

7. Corroboree Brown

11. Yellow Worm

15. Spotted Bomber

19. Big Red

23. Golden Fish

27. Gordon River Special

31. Chameleon

35. Gum Beetle

39. Red spotted Minnow

43. Citrus

47. Orange Emporer

4. Speckled Trout Black

8. Corroboree Green

12. Bronte Frog

16. Woodsy

20. Fathom Special

24. Spotted Bomber

28. Golden Eye

32. Sunset

36. Green Frog

40. Rasta

44. Spotted Ladybird

47. Fluoro Tree Frog

49. Fluoro Pink Snapper

50. Tangerine

Ferralcatt Lures - NSW:
Ferralcatt Lures are made by Greg Catt in Sydney and were made for the local waters around the Hawkesbury River. Mo's catalogue listed two models that were both 70mm as shallow (2m) and deep (4.5m). They were available in approximately 12 colour patterns. Greg is still making lures but all Feralcatt lures are now moulded.

(Above) Small review from Fishing World August 1997.
(Left) An example of extra deep Feralcatt Lure on card that will dive beyond the 5m mark.
First Strike Lures - QLD:
First Strike Lures are made in Mossman by Frank Trewick. The timber lure right was unearthed in northern Australia. The metal bibbed model is signed on the bib.

Fischer and Sons Pty Ltd - VIC:
An early Australian maker of plastic 'Magnet' devon style lures. The company was situated in North Coburg, Victoria and they came in nine colours. Fischer and Sons are one of the earliest makers of the plastic devon style lure in Australia. The full page advertisement shown below is from Outdoors and Fishing magazine c.1950. See full history under Stewart's and the Magnet range of lures.

Fishaholic Lures - QLD:
Fishaholic Lures are made by Brad Holman who is also an avid lure collector. Brad used to work in the fishing industry and in 2011/12 started shaping his own timber creations under the Fishaholic Lures label. Only ever made in small numbers

Below is a range of different Fishaholic Lure models that have been made in recent years.

'Bryan Banana' - one of the best banana lures sighted and surprisingly there have been a few over the years . . .
Below - 'Cod Prowler'

There are also a number of surface models

A jointed model

Fishizzle Lures - QLD:
Fishizzle Lures have emerged onto the market with a range of timber lures. Lure model shown on card opposite is called the 'Gold Digger'. More info coming soon . . .

Fitzgerald, Max Fitzgerald Lures - QLD:
Max 'Smerf' Fitzgerald is a hobbyist lure maker who has been making lures for a number of years.

Flapper Lures - NSW:
Dave Jordan lives in the Newcastle area of NSW and makes surface lures for targeting Australian Bass and other surface crunching species. Flapper lures are hand made from Australian Red Cedar and may be painted or clear coated with a dimpled metal bib. 'Clapper Flapper' model as shown in photo will be packaged in zip lock bags with backing card.

The Dave Jordan 'Flapper Cray' c.2017 is shown below

Flash Lures - TAS:
Flash lures are made by Glenn 'Flash' Cahalan who lives in the Derwent Valley, Tasmania. He has been making lures from King William Pine and Huon Pine for several years. Flash lures are made to target trout (brown and rainbow), Atlantic salmon and Brook trout. The lures are also suitable for bream and other estuary species. Glenn is a keen angler and shooter but is no longer making lures in 2017 - check out the photos as they do catch fish.
(Right) A few recent lures from Flash lures (2013) shaped from Huon Pine - top lure is 'The Banana' and was a prize in the Pedder 'Homebake' lucky dip. The second lure down was fished at the Henty River on the remote west coast Tasmania and caught good sea run trout and brown trout.

A fine Brook Trout from Lake Plimsoll, Tasmania on a very pretty rainbow pattern.

A nice Tasmanian Lake Pedder trout on the Flash 'Ribbed for Pleasure' Minnow - foiled version.
Flasha Lures - QLD:
Flasha lures were made by Gavin Nash from Yepoon, Queensland.
Flash as a Rat Lures:
Flash as a Rat Lures are made by Ian Hatch. Model shown is a 'Sting Rat' and this lure sold on Ebay in 2010 for $44.

Flexon Lures - Australia:
Flexon products were a cheap alternative to the higher quality products of the time. It seems that some of the product lines were imported and others such as the carded 'Flexon Wobbler' below being 'Made in Australia expressly for Coles Stores'
Flicks Lures - QLD:
Alex 'Flick' Robertson was the man behind Flicks Lures. In an article in Modern Fishing March 1988, Warren Steptoe showed five models including large minnows and smaller 'Bloopers'. A lure maker for many years, 'Flick' used red cedar and lures were available direct from his address in Kingaroy, QLD. Models include the 'Cobra' and 'Gofer'. Flick was involved with ANSA and local stocking groups in SEQ. Alex died Jan 2016.

(Above) An early timber Flicks lure which is signed under the bib

(Above) The lure shown is a very early Flicks lure with a pointed angular metal bib and flat sides. A rare timber lure that would not normally be recognised as one of Flicks creations.
(Right) Some examples of timber Flicks 'Cobra' lures.
(Below) Two more examples of Flicks 'Cobra' lures in original packaging and price

(Above) Earlier pink card for timber Flicks 'Cobra'.
(Left) Examples of different Flicks cards. The blue card on the left with the Kingaroy address is the earliest with the copyrighted middle card the most recent.

Flint Lures, Joe 'Hurtle' Flint Lures:
Timber lures made by Joe 'Hurtle' Flint. Timber lure bottom right shown is 80mm long and there were a number of these sold in 2012 via Ebay in the range $27-42. Bottom photos shows the newer cards c.2015. Joe also makes poppers as well as bibbed style lures and they are still available in small numbers.

Florence, Mal Florence Lures:
Mal Florence is an iconic Australian name that is associated with fishing. Actively involved as a writer, journalist and also making lures, Mal later went on to make the MastaBlasta range of fishing lures that were moulded in plastic. The lure shown here dates to the early 1970's and is attributed as having been made by Mal Florence.

FM Lures - NT:
Made by made by Bob Brewer from Howard Springs, NT and sold under the name of FM Lures. Lived in Darwin area - information confirmed from his sister after a conversation with Carl Grist. The lures shown below include a very rare single hook smaller version of the FM minnow. Reasonably uncommon and often unidentified. There were two FM lures being made in Northern Territory around the same time by different makers.

FM Lures - NT:
Made in Jabiru, Northern Territory by Trevor Tourell and Gary Hunter in the mid 1980's. The makers worked at the nearby Ranger Uranium Mine during this period and most of their product was sold through the Border Store on the East Alligator River. They are a well made lure made for targeting Barramundi in the West and South Alligator Rivers and local billabongs. Available in 15 colours and only ever made in one size which was 13cm. Only ever made around 1985-86
The extract below is from Trailerboat Fisherman, May 1986 written by Dick Eussen and shows some interesting colour patterns.

Forbco Lures - VIC:
The Forbco range of lures were made by the Forbco Industries Pty Ltd located in Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. The Forbco lure range was known for the aeroplane spinners but also other models including the Forbco spinner as shown. The company was active throughout the late 1940's and 1950's. Unsure of when Forbco ceased production.
Lures below are authentic Forbco aeroplane spinners which came with a copper keel and heavy duty construction. Also shown is a blade marked 'Forbco Melb'.

The Forbco range of cod spinners will be stamped with the number which indicated size and the 'Forbco Melb' stamping.
The advertisement below is from 1951 and lists a wide range of lures that were available.

Forbco 'Rotor', 'Portland Spinner' and 'Snook Spoon' - these lures often go unidentified.
Forbco Industries Pty Ltd also manufactured the brass spinners similar to imported designs of the time but also the Bellbrook wobbler. These will be in the packaging as shown right. In the early 1950's the company also made 'The Butler' spinning and casting reel

Forbco 'Aeroplane Spinners' - smaller sizes

The 'Sydney Spinner' and 'Golden Flash Spinner'

Forbco Industries Pty Ltd - VIC:
Forbco Industries Pty Ltd were situated in Elizabeth St, Melbourne and made aeroplane spinners, kidney spinners and fishing reels under the brand name of Forbco in the 1950's. See Forbco Lures
Forelle Lure:
Forelle Lure is a complete unknown. Packaging indicates there was at least one run of lures with barcoded packaging and the lures are Australian made. Hook eyelets look to be a strange size for the lure. Basic glittery colour patterns on a diving tow from the bib style lure.

Force Ten - NSW:
Force Ten are a wholesaler based in Sydney that release a wide range of fishing products including Outback Lures which are a line of imported lures from China that are released by Force Ten. The Outback range is similar to the American 'Producers' lures that were marketed in Australia in the 1990's.
Forrest, Matt Forrest Lures - NSW:
Matt Forrest is a well respected professional chef who is also a keen angler. As an added skill Matt shapes up timber lures to fish for native fish and enjoys angling for Murray Cod. Lure below dates to 2014.

Forrester Lures - NT:
Forrester Lures are made by Bob and Graeme Forrester in the Northern Territory. The Forrester brothers are responsible for the Basstad and G Lure brands and there seems to have been collaboration between them as the lures are sometimes hard to distinguish apart. Bob Forrester card lists Forrestwood Products at PO Box 1004 Howard Springs and other cards (later) will have Forrestwood Enterprises at PO Box 1119 Palmerston.

Below is an early Bob Forrester lure.

Foster, C.M Foster - TAS:
C.M Foster was making a wobbler style lure in the 1960's. Based in Sandy Bay, Hobart according to the advertisement left which came from a Southern Tasmanian Licensed Anglers Association from 1964/5.
The advert indicates that the Universal Wobbler was available in black, gold and all spotted for trout and silver and gold for targeting 'black backs', flathead and barracouta. Currently no indication of what they look like but possible they were a cobra style lure that were super popular in the 1950's and 60's in Tasmania.

Foster, Darren Foster Lures:
Darren Foster made lures under the name of Allurin Lures brand. Little information other than what has been mentioned on the Lure Lovers Forum. See Allurin Lures
Foster, John Foster Lures - NSW:
John Foster is a cottage maker from Wallangarra who has been making timber lures for many years. He is an ex-police officer from the region and his lures feature the soldered front tow point and has the character of many of the 'Tenterfield' makers.

Classic metal bibs and robust construction. Nice lures

Francis, Ray Francis Lures - QLD :
Ray Francis made lures in small numbers and was based in the Cairns area. Well made timber lures with simple/crude paint jobs.
Lure shown right is a minnow style with a few obvious influences . Made in the 1970's.

Fredden Lures ('The Fredden'):
'The Fredden' is a metal slug style lure that was made for high speed spinning and dates to the 1960's. 'The Fredden' is mentioned in an early version of Rodger Hungerfords 'Anglers' Omnibus'. An original box was discovered at Expo 2019 which contained a 'Fredden' lure. Looks to have been made in two sizes and unsure if the design was ever patented. More information to be added soon . . .

Frequent Flash Lures:
A newcomer to the lure making scene. Made from beech by Eruch Rowan, this lure is his first and made heavy duty. Frequent Flash lures have continued to evolve with large foiled bibbed models, stickbaits and many other individual creations having been sold up until 2017. From this stage on Eruch set up for full scale production from 2018.

The lure below is from the first run after full scale production started in early 2018.

Fresco Lures - VIC:
Fresco Lures with the logo 'Fish with Fresco' were a lure brand of Sydenham Products manufactured in Melbourne, Australia. These lures were made during the 1960's and into the 1970's. See full page bio under Fresco
Freshies Lures:
Nothing known about this lure that appeared on Ebay in April 2012. A carded lure with an interesting bib shape - looks like it is a moulded lure with a rattle.

Fros, Brian Fros Lures - TAS:
Brian Fros was the winner of Pedder Homebake 2017 and has been making lures for a few years now after being shown how to make lures by Peter Denmen. Brian utilises local timbers and makes both small minnow lures from King William Pine and fish cake style lures with hand made props from Huon Pine. Based in Hobart area. See B.F Lures .

Early Brian Fros minnows - all approx 5cm

FTL (Follow the Leader) Lures - NSW:
FTL have been making high quality metal spinners since 2009 and are based in Wagga Wagga, NSW. Photos from FTL Facebook page.

Fugly Lures - NSW:
There seems to have been another Fugly Lures that predates Fugly Lures, QLD (Chris Sinclair). Only ever seen a couple of lures on the card and they are a moulded lure with recessed dolls eyes. Seems that there may be timber versions too. Made by Greg Wilson in the early 1990's. Found on a simple business card as shown with older NSW contact phone number and address in Inverell.

This lure features a hand cut bib that looks like 1.5mm polycarbonate and is engraved with the name 'Fugly' as shown. This lure probably dates to the 1990's.

There are two other models that have been found in recent years. Both are moulded with the etched hand cut bibs. A larger more rounded lure and a deep diving shad minnow shape as shown above. Paint schemes are similar.
Fugly Lures - QLD:
Chris Sinclair makes a fine lure and is based in Ipswich, QLD. Fugly Lures are made from timber and also moulded - Chris is a very versatile lure maker - wooden models include the Fugly 'Floorboard', 'Funky Haggis', 'Dr Tooch' and 'Frugal Dougall'. See full page bio under Fugly Lures
Fury Lures :
Another of the Australian cottage makers crafting a range of models from the shed . . .

Fysshe Lures - QLD:
Ian Salmon released anniversary sets in 2013 to mark 40 years since he sold his first lure. They were basically copies of Nilsmaster lures in 3 sizes, 3", 4", and 5". Released in a set of three lures, the colours were the same as the originals in 1973 (green/yellow, brown/yellow, red/white, blue white). A short story/ lure history/ certificate was included with each set. Ian makes a wide range of lures including the older Somerset models and his fantastic 'Fysshe Frogs'.

Above is a couple of Fysshe 'Frogge' lures - one is made from silky oak. A classic shaped lure.

Above is a an extremely nice nude spotted dog lure by Ian c.2013 - signed on belly with current business card. Left is shown an early version of the Somerset model which will be marked on belly as shown. Left is shown some very early Ian Salmon creations which show some influences from overseas makers.

The full range of lures are shown below and are available through the Fysshe Lures website.