Lure Manufacturers Australia R
If you know of an Australian lure maker no matter how young or old that we have not mentioned in the following list feel free to contact us to have the details added or updated.
*Cover banner photo is an early RJ (Russell Jenkins) lure that was made when he was still a teenager
R & B Lures - NSW:
R & B Lures show up occasionally and are a high quality handcrafted timber lure. Interestingly shaped lures that are sometimes confused with Keith Baker or Cudgeefish lures. Made by Richard Sheehan and Brendan Smith who are based in Delungra, NSW and shape up some good quality lures as a partnership. Hard to find.

R & M Lures - NSW:
R & M Lures were originally carved from timber and then moulded. They may be found on a Tiegar card so there is some connection between Tiegar and R & M Lures.

The R & M lure shown on the card right is a 125 mm version with moulded name and size on the belly.

R & R Lures - NSW:
Little known about this lure maker also known as R & R Sharkies and made in the Inverell region by Rob Clark. There are a number of different coloured presentation cards. Can only find information on the carded lures as shown - two model sizes at 70 mm and 90mm. Only recently made in the last 5 years or so and were available c.2010.

RAB Lures - NSW:
RAB lures were made by Rod Brasen from the Clarence River area of NSW. The lure card left features a shark as a motif at top of card and the name RAB lures is Rod's initials. Rarely found or recognised but does have features such as front tow point and hand cut bib holes.

Rack Raidar Lures :
Rack Raider Lures are a small moulded lure that are easily recognisable with name on the belly. Unknown maker at present

Radar Lures - NSW:
Radar lures are made by Ray O'Neill and his wife Rhonda (who is responsible for quality control on orders) at their home in Inverell. Ray has been a lure maker since 2001, using a variety of materials to construct the lures and finishing with auto paints and lacquer. He acknowledged influence in his designs to Oargee Lures and the quality of the finish he achieves to advice given to him by Jamie Flett.

(Above) Some early Ray O'Neil timber lures.
(Left) Two more recent examples. Ray is no longer making lures and is looking to release 10 sets on a fish background in the near future with remaining stock of lures.
Radloff, Bob Radloff Lures - QLD:
Radloff lures were made by Bob and Kathleen Radloff from the early 1970's through to 1981 . Bob grew up in the Cairns area fishing for barramundi and saw the need to make a lure for the tropics due to the difficulty and expense in finding suitable lures to use. Bob was influenced by Eric Moller and decided to make his own style of lure and they have a very distinctive shape with the high forehead and classic old style Queensland lure look. Some Bob Radloff lures will be marked on the belly with the model name 'Barra Lure' as shown right. Radloff Lures were a combined effort with Bob cutting and shaping the blanks and Kathleen gluing in bibs, painting and signing the finished lures. Bob sadly passed away in February, 2014.

Early Radloff lure c 1970's
RAG Lures - QLD:
Timber lures made by Sel McLennan who is an avid lure collector. RAG stands for 'rough as guts' and the lures are only being made for personal use in 2016 however in 2017 Sel started making small batches to sell. RAG Lures are no longer made and Sel makes lures under the name of One Cast Lures in 2018.
Raglan Lures - TAS:
Raglan Lures were made in George Town, Tasmania. Earlier phone number indicates vintage would be late 1980's - early 1990's. Unknown maker but address on card may unearth information in the future.

Lures are shaped from timber, through wired with hand cut bibs and basic colour patterns that look to be painted with spray cans
Raider Lures - NSW:
Raider Lures are a popular metal slug type of lure that is highly effective for pelagic species and high speed spinning.

Rainbow Lures - QLD:
Quality lures that were made to target native fish. Unsure of maker but Steve Muchow was involved in making the moulds for this range of lures. Rainbow Lures were made in Beaudesert, QLD and are no longer made. There is a connection with B.G Lures who make lures in Boonah.
Photo below is from Australian Lure Collectors Facebook page.

Ralph's Wooden Fishing Lures - NSW:
Ralphs Lures are a cottage crafted timber lure that were made by Ralph Wadley. The lures below were shown on the Lure Lovers forum with a NSW area code for Taree.
In a conversation with Lure Hub OZ on March 2024, Maxine Wadley (Ralph's wife) conveyed the following information;
"Ralph first started making lures in Mandurah, Western Australia around 2003. He was a cottage maker and loved making lures. His first lures were sold at the local markets and then someone sold them on his behalf. We then moved to Taree around 2007 as we had family in Sydney. Ralph continued to make and sell lures during this time until we moved back to Western Australia. The timbers used were Huon Pine and White beech."
Unfortunately, Ralph is in his mid 80's and unable to make fishing lures anymore. He stopped around 2013 so was making lures for around ten years while moving and travelling with his wife.

Lure above is approx 70mm long and has the triple eyes that is characteristic of a Ralph's Lures. Left - a nice group of Ralph's models and colour schemes.
Made in at least two sizes, the minnow style lure has an original shape and are an extremely well made lure. As noted in the photo there were also small poppers made.

Ransley Lures - TAS:
Another obscure Tasmanian lure maker. Typical cobra style lure with distinctive red head and tail which was often common on Ransley cobras
Ransom, Gary Ransom Lures - QLD:
Another of the Queensland cottage / hobbyist lure makers who shapes quality timber lures. Based in Townsville. Interesting paint finish on the lure shown and very distinctive eyes. Stainless wire hangers and metal bibs.

Raptor Lures - N.T:
Another obscure Northern Territorian lure maker from Palmerston. Made by Peter Davis and the lure shown below is the first made. Quality air brushed finish and made to fish for barramundi and other northern species.

Raptor 'Fizzbait' in packets
Rayna Lures - Peter Rayner - NSW:
Pete Rayner has kindly provided this history of Rayna Free Range Lures.
'I started out making some crude Bass lures here in the A.C.T sometime in late 1979. It all began with a need to go on an upcoming canoe fishing trip with a mate on the upper reaches of the pristine Clyde River (NSW), and a lack of Bass lures and the dollars to buy them. Like all luremakers, then and now, I experimented with various shapes/lengths/colours until I came up with a lure I thought was easy to make and could regularly catch fish (Bream, Trout, Bass & Flathead), this process took many years, and many, many prototypes'.

'After about a year or two of making these I decided that instead of wire hangers I was going to speed production up and use a metal plate for the hook hangers and tow point (as per Bennett /McGrath), BUT I had to make a 'die' to cut them. After much experimenting with some tool steel I had bought, I was able to fashion some very crude dies and after trying to stam a few plates I realised I was no 'die maker'. I eventually found a real 'die maker' and paid him to make a die and cut 3000 'hanger plates' from a 1mm brass sheet, the plates were a good combination for these lures, they added the desired amount of ballast/cast weight and were more than strong enough for Bream, Trout, Bass and Flathead, and to make them a bit tougher I moved from balsa to cedar blanks - I eventually caught a 34lb Cod on one while trolling in a canoe for Trout and Redfin, after that I was confident of their strength/durability.
I began selling through tackle stores in the early 80's, these lures were sold under the "Prowler" name. I tried to keep the market small, selling through local tackle shops only (A.C.T) as I could see myself becoming a slave to tackle shops and the 'standard' colours. In the following years from about 1984-5, I probably only sold 500 -700 of these 5cm lures and with a young family to look after etc, I ceased commercial production around 1989-90.
Sometime after 1992, a friend and I had another spurt and and probably produced about 100-150 more of the 5cm version, with some slight changes in shape, size and weight, I then had big problems with a paint/clearcoat conflict which ruined a stack of finished lures so again stopped commercial production until about 2005.'

Pete Rayner is a keen fisherman and has been making lures since the mid 1970's and bought his first airbrush around 1974. An artistic flair must run in the family because his brother and sister are accomplished artists. He prefers to use water based acrylics (good quality ones) as they are cheaper to buy, safer to use and the colours are endless.

'Around 1984 -85 I started to sell a 5cm lure through some local tackle shops, these originals were balsa and weighed about 6gm. There were not many lure makers around here back then and things were even more secret than they are today, clearcoats were top secret and probably still are, we had to 'invent' our own 'copy lathes', bib cutting press, bib stamps, stencils, slotting saw table, wire twisters, router profiles etc - now it's all on forums everywhere and with a bit of research and a lot of generosity, anyone can do it.'

In 2005 -2006 I again started making limited numbers of the 5cm and a new 8cm lure which I still occasionally sell, but now I mainly make them for myself and a few friends use'
Below shows a fine selection of Rayna Lures including some early Prowler models and nudes.

Rayz Lures - NSW:
Timber Lures made in the Hunter Valley near Maitland. Ray is a marbling expert with his paint finishes. Makes a solid lure and is just a hobbyist who makes lures to swap or for personal use and is a member of the Hunter Lure Makers meeting where a number of local lure makers meet regularly. Lures will be signed on the belly 'Rayz' as shown on lure below which is an earlier example.
Ray also makes magnificent blackfish floats and is a keen luderick angler

R-Cee Lures - QLD:
Little known about these high quality made minnow lures. Made in timber by Ron Wood and most will be marked near tail with an R -Cee Lures transfer. Ron made lures in Queensland before moving to South Australia.
Right is shown an early R-Cee lure

R.D Lures - QLD:
R.D Lures were made by Roy Durrie from the late 1970's to the mid 1980's (approx. 1979-1986). Based on the Gold Coast, Queensland. From 1986 onward Roy makes lures under the C.R.A.F.T label.
Some earlier lures will be marked R.D on underside of bib while others will be unsigned.

Reaper Lures - NSW :
Reaper Lures were hand carved in the 1990's by Les Knight whilst working for the RAAF at Amberley QLD and his nickname was 'Lizard'. Les now resides at Bungulla near Goondiwindi. The size of the lures range from approximately 20cm down to the smallest at around 10cm (these measurements include the bib). An interesting shape and original shape with metal bibs.

Reaper Lures models from top to bottom - 'Gator', 'Cobra', ?, 'Addie' and the 'Gecko'.

Red Eye Lures - NT:
High quality hand crafted lures that are made to order in small numbers by Warren Darr in Darwin. Lures are aimed at barramundi and larger northern species. Warren is an expert woodworker and his lure making has evolved into specific exhibition pieces and one off lures from special Australian timbers. Excellent cottage maker.

Warren is always experimenting and his baby barra series are stunning. Most Red Eye Lures will have engraved bibs and towpoints have a square front on the omega.

Redgum Lures:
No current information

Reds Lures - QLD :
Reds Lures have been available since at least 2013 with a range of timber poppers but also painting plastic blanks and custom air brush work.

Reedy Lures :
Reedy Lures are an unknown entity. Possibly an imported product that was repackaged in Australia. Look to be vintage and marked as 1/4 oz in weight. Very obscure metal spoon

Refined Lure Technology :
Curiously, the Bass Masta was the ONE lure that Bill Classon wanted to pinch out of the 1065 from the lures book and it took me quite a while to find the same colour as was used in the book (giving me the complete set of ALL the lures from the book - many put back into its original packaging). Frank P
For those who don't know the name, the Late Mal Florence was the man behind the video series Big Fish Downunder and the original Masta Blasta lures. The lure in the pic is one of his first moulded production Masta Blasta lure, this one was painted for me by Mal around 87/89 I think, it caught me a lot of tuna and macks. L & M 2010

Reflecta Lures - QLD:
Metal slice type lure - the following information is from 1993 with an earlier advertisement and review of Reflecta Lures. Shows 7 models available and in two finishes - gold or chrome.

Rehbein, Gavin Rehbein Lures - QLD:
Vintage lures made in Townsville, Queensland. Quality made timber lures that were effective in targeting pelagic species as well as mangrove jack and the estuary species. Gavin sadly passed away in the last couple of years (2017).

The photos show a couple of nice colour sets and the differing models that were made by Gavin. A shallow diving minnow in two sizes and a larger deeper diving minnow.
Rehbein lures may be signed on the bib or belly section of the lure. There are also examples of unsigned Rehbein lures. A highly respected maker who made a quality, heavy duty product that hold up to this day. Apart from making the minnow style lures shown here, Gavin also made many experimental shapes and other lure variations.

Reibelt, Les Reibelt Lures - NSW:
These lures showcased here are from Les Reibelt's tacklebox and show a range of styles that were created to target large Murray Cod in northwestern NSW and Queensland impoundments and rivers. An expert angler Les has accounted for over 800 large Murray Cod in Glen Lyon Dam and Copeton Dam. Quality made timber lures and spinnerbaits before making Mc Cod Spinnerbaits which are still available.

Large Reibelt Rat - nude jointed timber, bibbed surface swimmer with articulated tail.

Traditional timber bibbed style - metal bib
Below is a large multi-jointed lure - hinged with plastic tail - this is not a recently made lure and shows how some things have been known for long time by the experienced Cod angler

Large timber boney bream baits - note the bib

Les Reibelt handmade Murray Cod spinner with lead keel. Handcut blades and riveted struts - this is a large lure approx 30cm in size

Reid, Mark Reid Lures - QLD:
Mark Reid was a keen angler based in Cairns who shaped a small number of timber lures in the early parts of the new millennium from 2001 onward. Unsure of exact dates when lures were made however photographed lure dates to around 2002.
Reidys Lures - QLD, NT:
Jeff Reid started carving timber lures around 1986 and quickly went to injection moulded lures. See full page bio for Reidys Lures.
Revenge Lures - QLD:
Revenge Lures are made by Rob Noy since 2015. Quality timber lures from the maker of the successful Ridgeback Lures range. Lures may have either metal or polycarbonate bibs with stick on or airbrushed eyes.

Most Revenge Lures are hand signed on the belly although not all are signed - polycarbonate bibs and eye variations

Rob Noy is very inventive lure maker and the lures below are reversed blanks and make a great deep diving yabby imitation.

Rhino Lures - NSW:
Rhino Lures are made in Deniliquin by Peter Fisher. No other current information other than what is shown in photos with lures found on a white card. Not sure if they are still being made.

Rhubarb Lures - NSW:
Rhubarb Lures are made by Phil George who is based in Glen Innes and makes a distinctively shaped lure but is also a great experimenter. Most found are moulded but some do show up made of timber (possible prototypes).
Rhubarb Lures 'C Cup' and 'Double D' - What is there to say except looks like they catch fish!
Rhyno's Lures - ACT:
Rhyno's Lures are made in Canberra and are a quality hand crafted lure suited to freshwater fishing for native fish. The lures shown here are signed and dated to 2011.

Richards, Bruce Richards - NSW:
A talented cottage lure maker from Telerah, near Maitland. Just looking at these lures you can see this maker knew what he was doing. Lures date to the 1980's.

Richards Fishfinder Tackle - NSW:
Little known about the maker of these lures except that his name was Mr Richards. They are made by cutting down old cutlery such as spoons.

(Above) These two are on the card and called 'Fishfinder', 16g and 'Secret Weapon' at 25g which is an old spoon handle with hallmark. Presented on white card with lure stapled to card and logo stamped plus hand written. Left shows two 'Secret Weapons with the paperwork. Classic of Australian ingenuity!

Richards OZ Lure - NSW:
Little known about the Richards line of lures which were available in the late 1980's and 1990's. The lure below left was purchased c. 1986 directly from the local Abu distributor who happened to have some in the warehouse and knew nothing about them. Took 20 years to identify the little Heddon Tadpolly copy. Timber too.

Richo's Lures - QLD:
Richo's Lures were made by Ken Richardson who is respected as an excellent lure maker with a great reputation for making quality timber lures that work. The following is an extract from Lure Lovers forum
'Richo lures for sale are wooden and made from white beech (he does make flies and spinner-baits for personal use). Like many of us, Ken is happy to chat and share his experiences in lure making and has even crafted a few one-off Saratoga flies and spinner baits. Ken originally came from Roma, SW Qld and has a strong freshwater background remembering using suitable tree branches as rods before he moved to Bamboo, some time ago now! His first lure was a Macrame bead lure with single treble lure for Bass. His lures are available in a few outlets around Australia, at Barra Jack's, Bluefin Sports in Rockhampton and The Lure Shop in Cooktown as well as Darwin but at present not sold from home.'

Richo's Lures models are listed above on the back of the card for a 'Streaker 8' and a signed version of the 'Streaker 10' opposite.
Lure below was sold on Ebay in March, 2018

Ridgeback Lures - QLD:
Ridgeback Lures are a moulded lure that are made by Rob Noy who was originally from Morayfield. Ridgeback lures were still available in tackle shops in 2014. There were over 800,000 Ridgeback Lures sold so there are plenty out there.
The following quote is from the Lure Lovers forum.
'I think they may have also been made by David and Kaylene Hislop in Goondiwindi at some stage (no idea on dates). I think Steven Muchow was also involved at some stage with moulded versions. Tony LL'

There are two types of cards shown. Left is the Ridgeback 'Slug'.
Rigg, Mark Rigg Lures - NSW:
Mark Rigg made some beautiful small lures that were ideal for bream. Well known around Drummoyne area in Sydney and an avid fly fisherman and fly tyer, Mark only made lures for a relatively short time c. 2000. Superbly crafted there are basically three versions that included a rounded shallow running bib, a square shaped bib and a deep diving versions which are less common. Some of the colour patterns had interesting names including one called 'Mums curtains'

Rileys Lures :
Unsure if this an imported product that is marketed in Australia or an Australian made product. Info to be confirmed. Presented in clamshell packaging as a 3 pack of small vibe style lures. Each lure has five possible towing positions.

Ringarooma Lures - TAS:
These lures are an imported blank that is marketed under the name of Ringarooma Lures. The Ringarooma is a small river in northern Tasmania hence the name.

Ringtail Lures - QLD:
Made by Ashley Holland from Toowoomba. Ringtail lures were originally made in timber with modern versions moulded. Shown below is the original catalogue with colour codes for the timber versions.

Above shows original timber in colour 2.

Above shows the difference between an older Ringtail signature (top in capital letters) and the later more modern versions which have the signature written in smaller letters.

Rio's Lures - QLD:
Rio's Lures have been around for well over a decade and were originally hand made in Tewantin, QLD. In 2018 older Rio Prawns have been fetching high prices. Shown left is the 'Tiny Tera'

The 'Original Rio's Prawn' is a reknowned fish catcher and came in a number of sizes. Above is shown the super sized prawn which is a whopping 22cm. This larger model is the rarest of the Rio's Prawns. Left is the earlier packaging. Below is later packaging. These lures are still available in 2018 in a range of colours and still catch fish.

Rip Chit Lures - NSW:
Rip Chit Lures an unknown entity made by Chewy Saunders from Bogabilla. Seems there is at least a couple of models and lures are finished in heavy scale patterns. Solid lures

Ripp'n'Lures - NSW:
Ripp'n'Lures are made by Mick Burns from Maclean area of NSW. Ripp 'n' Lures are hand made and carved from quality timbers and bibs may be made from metal or polycarb. Although Mick is relatively new to lure making he has been guided through the process by Gary Akers (AK Lures).
Looking at the bottom lure in the photo opposite the influence of Gary can be seen with the black lure and the white rings which are a trademark pattern in the AK Lure stable.
The first cards appeared c. 2013

Lures shown are on early cards c.2012 and are approx 6cm in length and some of Micks first run of lures before the first cards were printed. Mick has recently relocated back to Metford in the Hunter valley and only makes lures in small numbers.

Riversea Lures - NSW:
Made by Mick Mathews from Wamberal from 1987- 1990 approx. Uncommon and rarely found lures - model shown on card in photo is called the 'Rambo' and there are a number of different sizes with the same body shape. Spectacular lures of high quality if found.

River King Lures - NSW:
Made by Don Lawson, the River King Lure range were made and distributed under the name of Lawson Lures. Still being made. See Lawson Lures.
River Raider Lures - NSW:
River Raider Lures are an obscure lure. Lures are moulded and it has been suggested that they were possibly made by Phil George who made Rhubarb Lures. There are definetely similarities but yet to be confirmed.
River Rambler Lures :
Made of early plastic/bakelite, River Rambler lures show up occasionally but rarely with the original packaging as shown. No information of maker however there is evidence of the lures being advertised in QLD as early as 1953.

The following story was kindly shared by Peter;
A couple of years ago I purchased a ‘River Rascal’ with the original tube & instruction sheet (missing a large piece where I thought the makers name might have been!) at an antique fair and set about trying to identify maker, but could find nothing on the internet. A few weeks ago I was scanning your website and came across the entry for the ‘River Rambler’ – identical head to my shorter ‘River Rascal’ and with similar instruction sheet and tube. This gave me a little more information and with a bit of searching on Trove, I eventually located advertisements in the Warwick (QLD) Daily News for Dempsters, The Sporting Goods Specialists on 30/03/1953 and for Warwick Hardware Company on 01/04/1953 and again on 07/04/1954 - with only minor differences from earlier advert. Lures mentioned include the 'River Rambler', 'River Rogue' and 'River Rascal' and other fishing items including Bellbrook Lures.

River Ratz Lures :
An early collaboration between Christopher Neilsen and Sean Sly. Timber lures made from cedar and will have a soldered 'Tenterfield towpoint' and marketed under the name of River Ratz. Two coloured cards have been uncovered and these lures date to the late 1990's.

Riverstix Lure :
Another of the new lure makers having emerged in the last couple of years. An original design. More to come soon . . .

Rivlake Lures - TAS :
Another of the obscure makers of devon spinners. This lure was unearthed with a bunch of other Tasmanian lures so assuming it was also manufactured there too. Ornate card with perforated edges indicates these came on a larger trade card and were individually torn from the card. Unknown maker and hard to identify off the card.

R J's Lures - QLD:
Made by Russell Jenkins and still being made today. High quality timber lures that are in high demand and sell for good prices.

(Above) A nice group of R.J's Lures showing a wide variety of body shapes and bib variations. Not all Russell Jenkins lures have a curved bibs.

(Below) Same body shape - different bibs

Above - a fine collection of Russell Jenkins lures illustrating the wide array of models and sizes in the R.J range. Most noticable is the distinct bib shapes and style that identify these as R.J Lures.
Most R.J's lures will have a small transparent sticker on the underside of the bib however not always. There are pointed bibs that are both curved or flat plus a 'squared off' bib which is shown left. There are also rounded bibs suitable for deep diving or shallow diving models. All bibs are metal.
R J's Lures:
Unknown maker but possibly signed with initials? Distinct shape and look to be hand painted. Not made by Russell Jenkins.
RMG Lures - Rob Gaden - NSW:
One of the most influential of all the Australian lure makers. See RMG/Rob Gaden information and bio on full page
RMV Lures - NSW:
One of the recent cottage makers that has emerged in the past couple of years. More to come . . .

Robbo's Lures - QLD:
Timber Lures made by Robert Bartholdt from Bundaberg. No longer made.

Robbo's Lures - QLD:
Timber Lures made by Gordon Roberts from St George in Queensland. Lures are hand carved and with the help from some of the best lure makers around Gordon's paintwork and airbrushing skills have improved greatly.
In August 2019 Lure Hub OZ caught up with Gordon at Glen Lyon Dam and Robbo's Lures was the only lure to catch a Murray Cod during a tough week. The action of the lures is excellent and the flashy patterns and finish are as good as anything on the market. Fine lures

Rochow's Handmade Lures - VIC:
Rochow's Handmade Lures are a high quality timber lure that are made in Yackandandah by Tom Rochow who is still a teenager. Tom made the featured lure when he was 17 years old. Rochow's Handmade Lures were featured in issue 146 of Freshwater Fishing, 2017 in Frank Prokop's 'Tackle Maker's column and have been made since 2014/15. Initial inspiration is a love for the Arbogast 'Mudbug' and the Australian makers so his designs are a beefed up Australian version suited to Murray Cod. Certainly a young lure maker that will develop over time and make some outstanding lures in the future. His first creations show huge potential.

Rodkraft Lures:
Vintage lures that were made in the 1950's, Rodkraft were a reasonably common maker of cod spinners and other angling products. Below is shown a version of a Rodkraft feathered cod spinner with blades marked No 4.
Rolf's Lures - NSW:
Made in Newcastle area of NSW by Rolf Quaas, Rolf's lures are constructed from timber and well made. There are at least 3 models of the Turbo as shown which is a mid sized deep diving lure.
The photo below is from John Turnbull's 'The Sportsfishermans Bible' and shows Rolf Quaas fighting a fish - he was an active and well respected competition angler.

Rowe, John Rowe Lures - QLD:
Cottage maker John Roe made lures in small numbers. John is an expert fly fisherman and was a fishing guide based at Borumba Dam in the late 1980's into the early 1990's. Lures were made in two sizes for bass and cod. John was on the cover of Fishing World, June 1991 and now resides in Burnie, Tasmania.

Rowe Boat Lures:
Unknown Maker. A lure was sold on Ebay in July 2012 that as was called a 'Boomer'. Unsure if it was plastic or timber.
Row-ee Lures, Harry Rowe Lures - NSW:
Harry Rowe was a lure inventing genius and his skills were broad. He was a retired steel worker from Lake Illawarra and there was an article written about Harry Rowe in Trailerboat Fisherman November, 1986. The photos of his lures are taken from that article which included an interview with Harry. His first invention after retiring was the 'anti-snag sinker' and other sinker designs that minimised rolling on the line and increased casting. Harry's first lure model was called the 'Streaker' which was modified for long casting. It had a thinner front profile, was made from aluminim tubing and was rear weighted. Other models include the 'Frenzy' (a banana shaped lure), the 'Jumping Prawn' and the 'Gribber'.

Shown is the Jumping Prawn and Gribber (above).

The four Harry Rowe designs shown above.
Below - The Streaker

A few Row-ee Lures. Harry was also a man who made his lures without one hand which he lost in an industrial accident many years ago. These lures are no longer made

R.S Lures - QLD:
R.S Lures are made by Rodney Whyte in Townsville. See Whyte, Rodney Whyte Lures
R.T.B Legend Lures - NSW:
Ray T Broughton started R.T.B 'Legend' Lures in the early 1980's selling his hand made lures from Mulwala Caravan Park. R.T.B Lures are quality finished and made to target Australian native fish including Murray Cod. For further information see full page bio for RTB Legend Lures section.
Ruge, Jack Ruge Lures - QLD:
Jack Edward Ruge is another FNQ lure maker who lives in Malanda. His lures have J.E.Ruge letter stamped in the underside of the bib. Jack is in his late 80's and was a very keen Barramundi fisherman. As with most early barramundi fisherman he found good lures expensive and hard to come by so he started to make them when he was very young.
Jack started to make better quality lures in 1984 and made them till 2000. Red Cedar and White Beech were his preferred timbers. No.7 stainless steel wire was used throughout and all twisted wires at the front and back only. Stainless steel type split pins were used for the belly hooks and put right through the lure and folded over into a groove on the top side for super strength. This was then sanded flat for painting. He once put a set of scales on the centre hook and pulled in a straight line downwards to 60lbs and did not budge the eyelet. Jack played around with some different designs and sizes and never really named any of his shapes. He cut them out with a jigsaw and a very small plane was then used to get the rough shape of the lure. All sanding was done by hand. Tinsnips were used to cut the bibs out of aluminium. All painting was done with spraycans only.

Running Creek Lures - QLD
Running Creek Lures are another up and coming hobbyist lure maker. Lures have a distinctive shape and style and are found on card as shown below. Made in the Beaudesert region where Running Creek runs towards Rathdowney.

Rupes Lures - NSW:
Rupes Lures are made by Rob Gaden Jnr son of master lure maker Rob Gaden of RMG Lures. Rupes first run of lures appeared c.2010/11 with the 'Iron hide' series which were shaped in timber. From 2013 Rupes lures were produced in plastic with internal rattles. Current colour range is shown on right.

(Above and Right) Rupes lures were originally produced in timber. The above lure is an original timber version from the first run of lures made - this is the older rainbow trout pattern and lures were signed on the belly. There was also a special set that was 5 extra colours to add to original timber set.

Rusty's Lures :
An unknown maker that was discovered in 2018 with two lures signed 'Rusty's' on the belly. A shallow and deeper diver.

Ruthless Lures - VIC:
Ruthless Lures are a range of lures created by Aaron Young of Kuttafurra Lures. They were originally made as a separate brand but have stayed with Kuttafurra and are distributed as a secondary label although the quality and finish is just the same. There are four models - the 'Creeper', 'Bastard', 'Mongrel' and 'Surface'.

R.V Lures - NSW:
R.V Lures are made by Robert Voorby and aimed at native fish such as bass and other estuary species. Quality hand crafted timber lures.

Ryan, Tom Ryan Lures - QLD:
Tom Ryan shaped some nice timber lures and was based in Cairns. Right are some unfinished blanks in red cedar and white beech. Simple effective paint patterns.