Australian Lure Manufacturers O
If you know of an Australian lure maker no matter how young or old that we have not mentioned in the following list feel free to contact us to have the details added or updated.
O'Neill, Doug O'Neill Lures - NSW;
Doug O'Neil, brother of Ray O'Neill who makes Radar Lures. See Yowie Lures
O'Neill, Ray O'Neill Lures - NSW:
A very talented lure maker from Inverell, NSW. See Radar Lures
O'Sullivan, John O'Sullivan - QLD:
John O'Sullivan was from Innisfail and was a keen member of ANSA. He also made a minnow style barramundi lure and took his fishing seriously. Another of the north Queensland makers that were influenced by the Eric Moller style of painting.
(Above) This image was released in Rigby's book of Fishing back in the 1970's in a feature article on handmade timber lures in north Queensland but also in Vic Mc Cristal's book 'Practical fishing with lures'. They are three John O'Sullivan lures and may be identified by the little red 'moustache' on each lure as well as the red mouth at the nose of the lure.
(Right) Three unfinished O'Sullivan blanks. Timber is red cedar and white beech
Oar-gee Lures - NSW:
Wayne Lennon from the Albury area has forged a reputation as one of the premium lure makers in Australia. There is an early Lennon lure named 'The Bug' which was made in the late 1980's before the Oar-gee name came to be. See full page bio under Oar-gee Lures
OCD Lures: QLD:
Made by Gavin Marshall from Townsville, QLD. High quality timber lures with a number of excellent minnow and prwan patterns.
Gavin makes an excellent prawn pattern but also a number of different minnow style bibbed lures and some excellent nudies too.
Old Cobber Lures - TAS:
Bill Monk made the Old Cobber range of lures from New Norfolk in the Tasmanian Derwent Valley and they were further made by his son Easton Monk who supplied lures in small numbers. They are classic old style cobra lures and an historic part of the Tasmanian lure makers in the Hobart area.
Old Dog Lures - QLD:
A range of timber lures made by Dave Killalea and currently available. Made in Townsville. Right is a metal bib version of the Guttermaster in packet. Less made as this model quickly changed to a polycarbonate bib.
Old Man Lures: QLD:
Bob Adams made the "Old Man" lures from approx 1987 to approx 1994 in Dundowran, a suburb of Hervey Bay, Queensland. Bob's son Jeff Adams continued production of the lures from 1995 to 1998. The Old Man lures had a reputation as being a tough, well made lure for tough fish and an Old Man Lure held the PNG All Tackle record for a Spanish Mackeral caught on a "Mini-Donger".
Every minnow that was purchased and shipped had the "Old Man" brand written on either the bib or the belly of the lure. The "Donger" and the "Superdonger" had the Old Man brand name written on the belly, and the smaller lures were normally written on the bib. The bibless Old Man Lures had no branding at all.
A feature article in Modern Fishing October 1990 by Steve Starling compares the Old Man 'Minnows' to the Rapala 26 for bluewater trolling. Constructed of timber the lures were available direct from Bob at his address in Piallra, QLD. Ten basic colour patterns and custom patterns were at no extra cost. Originally priced at $20 which was alot for a lure in 1990 but the blue water minnow were a big lure.
Bob Adams also made two deep diving freshwater lure models in the 1980's - these lures had no specific model name and were simply called 'Deep Diving Freshwater Lure' and survived through the history of the Old Man range. This lure came in 50mm and 70mm sizes. There is also an extremely interesting and rare model called the 'Chop Bone' (only 12 ever made) and the 'Rat'.

Other Old Man lure models were as follows;
'Super Donger' 275mm - Could be purchased with either 1, 2 or 3 belly hooks.
'Donger' 225mm - 1 Belly Hook only.
'Mini Donger' 170mm
'Mini Donger' 170mm - Available in shallow or deep diver.
'Pee Wee' 125mm - Available in shallow or deep diver. 'Bazooka' 90mm, 'Burrum Bait' 65mm, 'Eildon' 50mm, 'Bass Bandit' 38mm. Bibless lures were 60, 90, 120, 150gm
(Below) An Old Man 'Chop Bone'
(Above) The range c.1992
(Below) 'Super Donger' and a couple of smaller models showing characteristic Old Man Lures paint patterns.

A pair of bibless Oldman Lures in two sizes - uncommon
Some lures will be signed 'OM'
Old Man River Lures:
Old Man River Lures have been available in small numbers for a couple of years now. Hand crafted by Sean Grant, lures are timber and are signed with a certificate of authenticity.
Oldstone Celt Lures:
Oldstone Celt lures are a an unknown entity. This is the only two ever found and has the motif of a kangaroo embossed onto one side of the lure with the other plain shiny metal. Made from aluminium alloy and quite light for its size. Both measure 10cm (100mm) and note top lure is fitted with oval split rings and look original.
Ollie's Lures - QLD:
Ollie's Lures are made by Ollie Hardt who makes the 'Stingray' range of lures which may also be referred to as Ollie's Stingray's. Ollie's Lures started around 1989 and Ollie's Handcrafted Timber Lures evolved a little later.
Shown right is a nice group of early Ollie's Lures including his bibbed minnows on the left of the photo and the 60mm 'Shrimp' which is shown in 6 colour variations. These lures are hard to find and were not produced in large numbers.
See Stingray for full history and photos.
OLM Lures - QLD:
OLM stands for 'Old Lure Maker'.
One Cast Lures - QLD:
One Cast lures are a timber lure that are made by Sel McLennan. Recently on the market with a model called the 'Tazer' and 'Romtom'.
OOG's Lures - QLD, NSW:
Steve Mayhew has been making hand made timber lures for over a decade now and makes a range of different styles that reflect a wide rang of influences.
The lures left are c. Sept 2010 and the lure below is Steve's first 'Nudie' - signed in 2009.
Steve Mayhew makes a wide range of shapes - some are a tribute to the 'Kad' design while others will be random
Oog's No 1 painted fat bum 'Kad' and No 1 nude red cedar skinny bum 'Kad' - 2011. Below - pleated bib, 2012
Different style from 2011-2012
Some of OOG's more recent creations after settling in the Tenterfield area - OOG's Lures are available at Glen Lyon Dam shop in 2019
Orchard, Richard Orchard Lures - QLD:
Richard Orchard made quality timber lures and a few were sold in north Queensland tackle shops. Originally called 'Barradise Lures', this conflicted with another maker who had a model called 'Barradise' so the name was discontinued. Richard was taught by Eric Moller and also knew Terry Leadbeater (Leads Lures). Lures date to the 1980's.
Original Cobra Wobblers - Tasmania:
Original Cobra Wobblers are rarely recognised without the card and maker is unknown. The carded lure and loose example were both found in Tasmania and are of unknown vintage although it should be said they have not been made in the last 30 years at least
Osbornes's Spinners - Tasmania:
Osborne's Spinners are rarely recognised off the card and are a vintage lure which were manufactured in Burnie, Tasmania by Alex Osborne. They are a metal devon style lure with either plastic or metal wings that characterise this style of lure. If original insert is intact it will have an extended treble that is bound with red thread. The advertisement right mentions 8 sizes and colours of Grey Black, Steel Grey and Greeny Grey and is from the 'The Advocate Annual' for 1935 and mentions Burnie, Tasmania for Alex Osborne Pty Ltd. It also mentions using a Pflueger Reel which were available in Australia as early as the mid 1920's. Osborne's Spinners were available as early as 1934/35. Advert below is from 1937.
Otter Fishing Lure Company - WA:
The Otter Fishing Lure Company manufactured a range of lures that were made by Neil Otter from Western Australia. The lure shown below is in the style of the old Salmon Plugs that were popular at the time and the advertisement mentions the 'Mighty Mack' model available during the spinning revolution using metal plugs and spoons. There was also other models including 'Bait Biters' and 'Flutterfish'. The Flutterfish advertisement is from the Anglers Digest 1970.
OTM Lures:
OTM Lures are a line of moulded lures that were released in the 1990's into early 2000's. From the review shown right, Alex Julius had input into the colour range and they were targeted at the barramundi angler market. Lures have loud internal rattle but did not last in what is a very competitive market. Unsure if the moulded lure bodies were made in Australia or whether they were imported.
Outback Lures - NSW:
Outback Lures are a line of imported lures from China that are released by Force Ten who market a large range of fishing products that are sold in supermarkets and as a cut price lure in some tackle shops. The Outback range is similar to the American 'Producers' lures that were marketed in Australia in the 1990's. Model shown is the 'Billabong Bug 6' which is a plastic Jitterbug copy with rattles.
Outcast Lures - NSW:
Made in Armidale by Peter Wygold who is originally from Glen Innes and making lures since 1986. Quality timber lures and earlier models as shown below right will have the twisted through wiring into the bib. Also makes a few surface lures and a number of smaller models. Outcast Lures are no longer made however Peter does still make lures under the name of 'Livecraft Lures'. He is related to Phil George (Rhubarb Lures).
Moulded modern versions above and timber models below
Photo below posted on Lure Lovers forum
Outlaw Lures - NSW:
Allan Oliver worked with Wally Muffett of Illusion Lures for a short time before they went their separate ways quite some years back. Allan made a few timber hard bodies for a while under the name of Outlaw Lures. Models include 'Pinfish' and 'Little M'. Made in Ballina, NSW and not made since 1999/2000. Other models as noted by Frank Prokop are Outlaw Lures Little M Wood Bass/ Flathead 57 Fluoro red head/white body, Outlaw Lures PO Box 414 Ballina NSW 2478. Outlaw Lures Merlin Wood Large Mulloway Diver 4 Red back. Orange sides and belly with gold stripes Card. Outlaw Lures Toad Wood Mulloway Diver 03 gold/black. Model shown is the Pinfish.
Ovens Lures - VIC :
Made by Brian Robinson in Wangaratta, Ovens Lures are a high quality lure that have a distinctive look and design. Starting in the mid 1990's, Brian made about 50 models with an axe shaped bib with lead insert.
The lures shown below and right were posted on the Lure Lovers forum in August 2014 and show the early bib shape.
There was also a model called the 'Bidgee' which had a straight bib, a downturned bib and the extremely rare downturned bib with a small upturned lip. The two models are shown below. Both have a lead shot in the bib which are of different thicknesses. The lure above left has the eyelet secured in the lead insert. Ovens Lures were sold to Jamie Hunter who made lures at Yarrawonga before ceasing production.
Overlander Lures - NSW:
Overlander Lures were made in Inverell, NSW and there is a model called the 'Bass -Tard'. The makers were local builders and the name Brett Stewart seems to be associated with Overlander Lures. Model shown is the 'Jimargie' which is a property on the Severn River and the lure was built on an Alan Sloman blank.
Owen, Col Owen Lures - QLD:
Col Owen is a hobbyist Queensland maker who was making lures in the 1980's. Interesting hand painted lures and only example was shown by Barry Cross on the Lure Lovers Forum. The lure dates to 1989.
'Owen' Snowy Trout Spinner:
The 'Owen' Snowy Trout Spinner is a rotating spinner similar to the products that were released by South Bend, Worth and other USA made spinners. They could be used in front of a bait or have a fly attached to the rear end of the spinner.
The model shown is a Size 2 and this is the only one ever sighted. The catalogue listing is from Craig and Aitken Pty Ltd in 1954 along with other models including the 'Automatic Striker' and a range of spoons.
Oz Lures - QLD:
Oz Lures marketed the moulded models that were originally sold by Reidy's. The 'Little Amazon' and the 'Mighty Mite' were sold by 1994. Shown opposite in an ad advertisement from a Tasmanian publication c.1996
Oz Lures original colour codes for the 'Mighty Mite' and 'Little Amazon' are shown below