Attack Lures - VIC/NSW
Attack Lures - NSW:
Made in Albury, when Dan Mc Grath took over John Bennett Baby Merlins he called them Merlin Lures for a short time before the name was changed to Attack Lures around 1995. Early packets will be a simple white card stapled to clear bag with 'Dan McGraths Merlin' printed on top.
Bibs changed over time from a flat bib with circle moulding mark and then to frosted bibs. A top lure for most Australian native fish when using ultra light tackle and one of the early classic moulded lures that became popular in the 1990's with the uptake of lure fishing and spinning in general.
The following history was posted on the Lure and More Forum;
'Around 1990 , J.B was making them from timber , and had been doing so for a few years. He made his own Dye-set ( with the help of an old engineer ) and started making them in two (2) piece plastic. They were glued together, not ultra-sonic-welded. He made them for a while like that , and then sold it to Dan Mc Grath ( John called him "Dooog" ). After a short period of time, Dan started calling them "Attack-Lures".' Rob Gaden
Later packets once lures were called 'Attack' are blue and pink but there are a few packaging changes and variations over the years with different addresses that include Albury, NSW and then Thurgoona, NSW before the lure backing cards refer to Bellbridge, Victoria. The advert left dates to 1997 and mentions the Thurgoona address - the bibs had not gone to frosted bibbed models as yet.

(Right) These lures may look the same however there are some distinct differences. The bottom lure is an original 'Baby Merlin' made by John Bennett as characterised by a bib without a circle mould marking. The top lure is a later Attack model with different colour tone on back, circular mould marking on bib and different coloured eyes. Lure would have been made by Dan McGrath.

The paperwork below dates to the early Dan Mc Grath days and included was a hand written note introducing the new 105cm (this should be mm as a 1 metre long lure would be hard to use!) deep diving rattling Attack that is shown above on original card.