Australian Lure Manufacturers K
If you know of an Australian lure maker no matter how young or old that we have not mentioned in the following list feel free to contact us at to have the details added or updated.
K.C Lures - NSW:
K.C Lures are made by Kevin Clarke who is one of the founding partners of the Downunder 'Boomerang' team that became one of the most successful and popular lures in Australian history. K.C Lures have been made for many years and are still being made today in small numbers and they still have that classic style. He also has released some special edition boxed sets for the last few Australian Lure and Fly Expo shows.
The lure below is a very early K.C Lure made by Kevin Clark

Special release display piece for Kev Clark 'Boomerang' style lures.
Kevin makes a wide range of other models including the 'Tully River Bush Rat' shown below

Kalbfell Lures - TAS:
Another of the pioneer Tasmanian lure makers who was making devon spinners before 1950. Little information is known about E. Kalbfell or the exact years of manufacture.
The lure below is on display at the Salmon Ponds museum in Tasmania and is an early devon style spinner. An iconic early Tasmanian lure in the early days.

The lure on card above shows the lure in detail, the model name (Tassi Spinner) and the address in Hobart where they would have been available. This is the only Kalbfell lure ever sighted on a card.
Kane, Ron Kane Lures - QLD:
Made in the town of Mareeba in far North Queensland. No other information other than a hobbyist lure maker. Timber with crude paint job.

Kanga Lures - NSW:
Made in the Pillar Valley, which is between Maclean and Wooli on the backroads east of Grafton. Maker is Calvin Peuser and Kanga Lures are well made. There are several models mainly aimed at Australian Bass, estuary species and Jewfish. Not seen much outside the northern rivers and Gold Coast area.
Shown right is two different sized minnow style lures and below is a Kanga yabby style lure on earlier cards which would date before 2010.

There are some extremely large lures made by Kanga. These two examples were uncovered in 2019. Giant lures with excellent paint patterns.

Kara Lures - TAS:
Made in north west Tasmania by Col Bryant, the Kara range utilised feathered inserts or barring typical of so many Tasmanian lure makers due to the effectiveness of this pattern in mimicking the whitebait schools that sea run trout feed on. Uncommon even in Tasmania.This maker also made an easily identifiable spoon lures that will have checkered markings pressed into the metal. They may be plain silver metal or painted. Lures on cards are labeled as Kara Wobblers 'Delta' and 'Kara'.

The Kara 'Kobra' is another in the Kara range which is rarely seen or identified. Shown on original card the lure has a feather insert.
Kara 'Spinners' were a small devon style spinners that came in left and right hand spin versions. Carded lures are 1 3/4 inches and this model was available in over 20 colour combinations

Katch King Lures:
The extract from a 1958 Smiths Sports Store catalogue shows Katch King lures being offered for sale. Unsure whether they were made in Tasmania or were the original 'Tassie Katch Kings' however the era and times are right so maybe this is what the lure looked like.

Katchy Lures - QLD:
The Katchy brand of lures were made by John Wust Junior, the maker of Little Ripper Lures. Timber and uncommon as they were only made for a short time between 1998 - 2005. Lures were sold at Fish n Bits store. Photos kindly shared by Cameron Gelhaar and Wust family.

Keel Lure:
A very early Australian lure that preceded the spinning revolution of early Australian manufacturers like Hardy and Halco lures. No other information other than what is written on the card opposite and the extract below dates to 1954 from a Craig and Aitken Pty Ltd catalogue which looks like a different lure.

H.O 'Sailor' Hopkins mentions the 'Keel Spinner' in his 1951 book 'Saltwater Spinning'. Extracts shown below.

Keevers, Darryl Keevers Lures - NSW:
Darryl Keevers worked in the saw milling industry for the past 35 years on the Tweed River and further inland near Lismore/Casino and began fishing the local creeks for perch (bass) and then went on the chase mulloway from the breakwalls on many of the northern rivers of NSW. As they say 'Necessity is the mother of invention' and this rings true of Darryl, so using borrowed lures as a base idea, he began hand carving with small minnows of differing lengths, profiles and thicknesses as he chased bass and perch - all made from north coast red cedar. A move closer to the coast saw the sizes seriously upgraded for jewfish off the rocky headlands and of course the river entrance breakwalls. Darryl sadly passed away from cancer in April 2014.

Kev's Lures - QLD:
Kevin Weston makes Hard Workin Lures. Earlier lures made by Kevin will be called Kev's Lures and have his signature on the belly. These will date to the 1980's and will be constructed of timber.

Kezzas Lures - QLD:
Kerry Ehrlich is a cabinetmaker from Toowoomba, QLD who makes some extremely well made timber lures. Having made and sold lures for more than a decade, Kezza Lures have evolved into a high quality product with specialist air brushing and innovative, rugged designs.

A model in the current 2018 Kezza Range is the 'Mudmouse'

Kidd, Barry Kidd Lures - QLD:
Barry Kidd is from Stanthorpe and made timber lures in small numbers for personal use. Lure shown below is an older model 'Critter'

Kieboom, John Kieboom Lures - QLD:
John Kieboom is from Mansfield in Brisbane and makes carved timber lures under the name of JSK Lures. See JSK Lures
Killalure - QLD:
Dave Killalea has been making lures since the mid to late 1980's and the Killalure range is still being made today. See full page bio.
Killing Time Lures - QLD:
Killing Time Lures have emerged in the last few years with some interesting designs. More info coming soon . . .

King Hit Lures - VIC:
Made in Shepperton, Victoria and available 2016. King Hit Lures have forged a reputation for attracting large Murray Cod and there are lots of great videos on their Facebook page.

Photos below are from Facebook page which shows a wide range of different models.

There were ten different colour combinations offerred on the 250mm swimbaits which have become a popular item in the past couple of years

Kingfisher Lures - NSW:
The Kingfisher 'Tempest' was available as a moulded lure from Mo's Tackle in 2002 in 10 colours. The name change from Typha Lures to Kingfisher lures happened for no real reason apart from the fact that Mike Shelton wanted to use the Kingfisher name for the business. Stuart started with Mike around 2005 and had nothing to do with the name change. Stuart left the business to take up farming with his family out of area. Mike is still is making some of the New England Lures but mainly just for sale through the Inverell shop.

Earlier timber Kingfisher 'Mantis' are now highly collectable and are shown here on the cards c.2000

Kingfisher Lures - VIC:
Another Kingfisher brand lure was made by Graham Reid who shaped lures from balsa. He was not able to use the 'Kingfisher' for very long after legal action forced him to change the name and Larrakin Lures were born. Made in Hoppers Crossing, Victoria. See Larrikin Lures

Kingfisher Lures - Gordon Fallon - QLD:
Modern Fishing February 1986 featured a full length article by Warren Steptoe on Gordon Fallon 'Kingfisher Lures'. His lures were turned from wooden dowel and his lures were fitted with a dressed rear treble.

Lures left were originally owned by Darryl Steel and the smaller version both attained world records for 9.2 kg Longtail Tuna on 2kg and a 4.6kg Kawakawa, both in 1985. Rarely do you see a lure that has taken a world record. These are early 'no eye' Fallon poppers before they were called Kingfisher.
Models include the 'Fat R's', 'Bass Bug', 'Supa Bloopa', 'Pop R', 'Beast Masta', 'Giant Super Blooper', 'Steely', 'Barra', 'Turbo', 'Mini Turbo' and the 'Midget'. Lures were later made of moulded urathane and with dolls eyes. Sometimes signed on belly. Lure orders were taken through 'The Lure Shop' in Cooktown where Gordon and Carl Grist (C Lures) worked together to market and distribute their lures.
A rare early timber bibbed Gordon Fallon minnow and pair of Kingfisher 'Long Tom' poppers .

Giant poppers painted by Carl - 35cm
Two early timber Gordon Fallon Kingfisher Lures which were painted by Carl Grist - note the paint finish and eyes which are all Carl.

(Below) Two early timber Gordon Fallon Kingfisher Lures which originally came from Vic Mc Cristal - The 'Turbo' and the 'Fat R's'

The Kingfisher Popper range is now made and distributed by Lively Lures.
(Above and left) - The 'Pop R', the 'Mini Turbo' and 'Barra'.
Kingfisher Lures:
These lures are an unknown entity - another Kingfisher Lures with no affiliation to any of the other makers who marketed under a name of 'Kingfisher'. Definitely vintage and a maker has never been identified. Marked as 'Kingfisher 75,85,115 and 120'

Another from this stable of lures. The 'Stubby' with same style of signature. Undoubtedly the same maker.

King Willy Puller Lures - NSW:
High quality timber carved lures that specialises in crafting yabby and crayfish imitations. Using red cedar, the lures are made in northern NSW - the nude lures are french polished and the maker is a very private person. Lures are difficult to source and only ever made in small numbers.
Below shows a set of painted King Willy Puller 'Mrs Palmer' crays that was shown on the Lure and More forum in 2012.
Knee Deep Lures:
These two are a vintage lure of unknown maker but labelled 'Knee Deep Lures'. Timber with a pointed metal bib these lures vaguely resemble the flat-sided Killalure shapes. Area of manufacture is unknown.

Kneebone, Morrie Kneebone Lures - NSW:
Quality made timber lures with the distinctive keel - Morrie Kneebone lures are easily identified by both the metal keel but also the front tow point on the bib. Morrie is a prolific maker who offers a wide range of models, sizes and colours to suit any form of lure fishing. Not afraid to experiment either and should be noted his lures are through wired.

Knol's Lures - NSW:
John Knol made some interesting lures that gained a good reputation in the 1990's. His early lures are even more interesting including the Knols 'Metal Jacket'. See full page biography under Knol's
Koolabung Lures - NSW:
Eddie Studman is Mr Koolabung and he has been making the Koolabung range since the 1990's. Originally made in timber and targeting Murray Cod - the Koolabung range has now expanded and are made in plastic nowadays.

One of the rarest of all Koolabung Lures is the 'Yabby' with probably less than 10 in existence.

An early model 'Razorback' on card showing metal bib shape. This model was made in 4 sizes (60,70,80,90mm)

Eddie Studman has created many lure designs - some will be showcased here and more will be added in the future.

Koolabung 'Rack Raider' is an older model no longer in the range. A 35mm model in the packet

Koolabung 'Cod Walker'

Above shows a couple of timber 'Codzilla' models.

Below shows a couple of timber Koolabong 'Codzilla' lures with different bib configurations. Below left shows a set of 'Lil Zilla'

Above is the current colour range while right shows the current Koolabung range.

Below is a couple of older cicada fizzers including a ripple back version.

Koppen, Barry koppen Lures - QLD:
Obscure vintage lures made in El Irish, Queensland and date to the 1970's/80's. Rarely found and unrecognised. The following photos were posted on the Lure Lovers forum by Barry Cross. The lures show many influences from the time that include Heddon/Bellbrook as well as Nilsmaster which were all popular in Northern Queensland.

K R Lures - QLD:
KR Lures were made by Ken Reduns. The lures were a result of some kind of fallout with Flicks and KR lures are similar to the Flicks Cobra. Unsure if they are still being made?
Kruger, Greg Kruger Lures:
Greg Kruger was a hobbyist maker only ever making lures in small numbers.

KU-T Streamlined Spinner:
Extract below is from Craig and Aitken Pty Ltd catalogue dating to 1954 and lists the lures as 'new'. Available in 4 sizes. This lure was used extensively in the early 1950's for pelagic fish such as tailor and salmon.

Extract above in mentioned in H.O Hopkins 1951 book 'Saltwater Spinning'
Kuttafurra Lures - VIC:
Aaron Young is at the cutting edge of modern lure making. There was an article in Freshwater Fishing Xmas 2013 edition that showcased Kuttafurra Lures. Based in Pakenham all lures are hand carved from timber - the photos tell the story.

The lures below are the 'Goby' (lower left) and the Kuttafura Mouse in most recent packaging c.2013

Kuttafurra Lures was awarded the most artistic lure at the 2014 Lure and Fly Expo held in Ipswich, QLD. Aaron also announced in 2014 that he would be releasing the range of the Swagman lure range after purchasing the rights to make and market them.

The Kuttafurra Lures bottle opener