RTB Legend Lures - NSW

Ray T Broughton started R.T.B 'Legend' Lures in the early 1980's selling his hand made lures from Mulwala Caravan Park. R.T.B Lures are quality finished and made to target Australian native fish including Murray Cod.
(Left) Early advertisement for R.T.B Legend Lures c.1992
(Below) Timber RTB legend lures are rare. The early models are an 'in demand' lure for collectors as they have forged a reputation as good fish catchers.

(Above) This lure has been credited with being a timber RTB however it has also been disputed.

An interesting lure above with original colour pattern but two two points. The original shallow body has been fitted with a deep diving bib.
(Below) From Freshwater Fishing No 16 and posted on the Lure Lovers forum

(Left) Another advert c.1993 which shows the lures available from Cummings Agencies instead of directly from Mulwala Caravan Park.(Below) Early Legend Lures 60mm Minnow in Rainbow Trout showing packaging.
(Below) An early release review for the RTB Trout minnow as shown in the advert left. c.1993 Freshwater Fishing.

Below shows the Legend 'Reverse Countershaded' models of the 60mm minnow and relevant advertisement from the early 1990's. These lures came in a shallow and deep diving version. This product was endorsed by Steve Starling at the time who is a well known fishing identity and angling writer.

Review left talks of Steve Starlings input into the development of the Legend 'Minnows' and 'Shads' with the counter shaded range.
The Legend 'Hellmax' is a slightly larger lure than the minnow which was released with three different bib types with an extra deep diving bib, medium deep diving bib and shallow bibbed versions.
As illustrated below there will also be some variation in the markings and font for Legend Lures depending on age and model. Colour catalogue is from Mo's 1996.

Below shows a fine collection of Legend Lures and illustrates the many differences in packaging that was shown by Wayne Harris.

The Legend Lure name was purchased by Graeme and Wendy Clark and the advertisement below was found in an older Lure Directory c.2000 and shows six models available in a number of sizes and mentions that the 80mm 'Outback' and 'Billabong' as being new releases.

The Legend 'Shimmy' is a another lure that is sometimes not recognised and is a later release from Legend although still a few years back now.