Garra Lures - QLD
Terry Marshall from Wallangarra is an old school Australian lure carver from the 'Tenterfield School' of makers and has been making timber lures since the 1970's. Garra lures have a characteristic style with painted metal bibs and soldered tow points and are excellent lures for Murray Cod and other Australian native fish. Models include the 'Tera', 'Walla', 'M&M', 'Peeli 100 & 200', 'Jeni', 'Tarki', Pondi' and 'Kanga'. Early models may have 'crinkled' metal bibs with checker plate markings or 'z-shaped' bibs. In 2018 Garra Lures and early Terry Marshall lures have become an item of high demand. This page is under construction . . .

Like many makers when first starting to make lures, Terry was influenced by many popular patterns of the 1950's, 60's and 70's. Some of those lures will be showcased here. The photos here would not be possible without the passionate Garra Lure collectors like Pat Condon and Alaister Hills who showed these early creations on a Facebook post on Australian Lure Collectors in 2018;

Terry Marshall with one of his early lure models which were being made in the 1970's.

Above is a timber version of the famous Heddon 'River Runt' or Southam 'Bellbrook' lure. Also Hellbender or Bomber 'Waterdog' copy

Terry Marshall 'Tadpolly'

Another early model

(Above ) Possibly one of the most amazing photos of Terry Marshalls lures with many early examples as well as more modern models.
(Below and right) More examples of early Garra Lures and some unfinished blanks/ finished lures ready for sealing and painting.

There are examples of Garra Lures with metal 'crinkle bibs'. The lures below sold for well over $100 on Ebay in March 2018. Both have same bib however unsure of exact timelines on these. The smaller pupil eye is normally a good indicator of an early Terry Marshall lure

There are examples of early Garra Lures dating to the late 1970's and early 1980's. Many early Garra Lures will have the small pupil.

Below more examples of recent Ebay sales for 2018 that fetched prices in the 60 - $120 price range depending on model.

Garra 'Eden'

Garra 'Jeni' with polycarbonate bib

Garra 'Hornet'

Garra 'Pondi' in rare colour

Garra 'Platypus' - a rare model

An extremely interesting design called the 'Orana'

Garra 'Pondi'

Unknown model above
Right - Garra 'Jeni' - metal bib in classic Garra colour

Garra 'Walla'

Examples of Garra 'Tera' showing underside of bib and belly markings with signature. Lures c. 2010

Garra 'Tera' - an interesting colour pattern

Left - Garra 'Terrorist' in modern day packaging.
Below - Garra 'Kobei'