Lure Manufacturers Australia A
If you know of an Australian lure maker no matter how young or old that we have not mentioned in the following list feel free to contact us to have the details added or updated.
A & B Lures - Inverell, NSW:
Allan Sloman uses white beech and many other timbers to shape an impressive range of lures designed for native fish. In 1994/95 the A&B range was being supplied to Harbord Tackle and advertisements placed in Fishing World magazine May 1995 listed the models as the 'Dirty Rat' (7cm body), 'Tiny Boy' (5.5cm body) and two sizes of 'Barra Blaster' at 9.5cm and 13cm. See full page bio under A & B Lures
A & J Lures - NSW:
Allan Sloman has also produced some timber lures under the name of A & J Lures.

Abanka Lures - TAS:
No known information other than the lures were made by Steve Munnings in Tasmania. Three colours are shown right and the lure is made of plastic with a curved body and two small fins moulded into the body. 15 colours were available. There was also a cobra style lure. Unsure if they are still available.

Acacia Lures - NT:
Quality vintage timber lures that were made in Northern Territory.

Ace Lures - TAS:
The 'Ace Spinner' - made in Tasmania. The photo below was recently sent to me and is a new vintage lure from Tas. The printing on the card is not the maker but a shop in Burnie that sold fishing tackle - C.J Hazlewood of Wilmot St. Unknown maker but would date 1970's and looks to be a devon style lure made of a see through plastic or celluloid. A different card has emerged mentioning 'wobblers' down both sides of the card. Unsure which is earliest.

Ace Spinnerbaits:
Ace Spinnerbaits have been around for close to a decade. Original owner was Steve Tame later sold to Shaun Rutter from 2014. Unsure if still being made. No current photos . . .

Action Lures - QLD:
Action Lures were made by Al Alcorn who sometimes signed his lures 'Als Lures' or 'Action Lures' as shown in photo below

Action Lures - NSW:
No known information other than the lures were made in the 1980's and constructed of timber and lure would often have a rattle. The following examples came up for sale on Ebay in April 2014. The lure right is signed on the belly and there seems to be a number of different models that were made. It seems there may be more than two makers who sold lures under the 'Action Lures' name. Alan Alcorn's lures are sometimes referred to as 'Action Lures' also.
A.C Lures - NSW:
A.C Lures are made by Anthony Curtis. A.C stands for Australian Crafted. See full bio on Australian Crafted Lures.
Adams, Jim Adams Lures - QLD:
Another of the Far North Queensland pioneers who was making minnow style lures that were made in at least two sizes. There is a 'V' where the bib meets the body which may assist with identification. There are number of different models and paint jobs are simple but effective.

Addrenalin Lures - QLD:
Addrenalin Lures are a vintage lure that was made in Hervey Bay. Interesting card and made for saltwater use which is a bit different for this style of lure but undoubtedly would be an effective method for targeting pelagic fish. Sinker on back end of lure and Lure Flash tied to treble. Lure is approximately 10 cm.
Adept Lures - TAS:
Adept Lures are made by Andrew De Vries from the Hobart area since 2010. Andrew has been a supporter of the Pedder 'Homebake' which has been running since 2009. Most of his lures will feature internal rattle chambers, are made from timber and will have the Adept transfer on the belly near the tail. Andrew's interest in making lures has increased as he becomes more involved in the competition bream fishing scene in Tasmania which is reknowned for monster black bream. Adept lures are also made to target trout in rivers, lakes and dams.

The Adept 'Crab' - a cleverly built small lure made to skip over sand beds and edges of weed drop offs for bream and other species. Special little lures.
Adept Lures are engineered for finesse and neutral buoyancy fishing and are expert lures for estuary bream and trout where long pauses in the lure retrieve are essential to attract fish.

The flathead shown right was caught on an Adept lure in Sydney the first time it was used. It is made to be near neutral bouyancy and has a small internal rattle chamber. Foiled airbrushed finish and a very hard clear coat.
This lure was also attacked by a large Long Tom on the same day which left minimal marks, caught another smaller flathead plus a couple of smaller bream - remarkable!

Adept Lures are only made in small numbers for specific angling purposes. The lures shown above are some of the more successful patterns that have accounted for wild brown trout, sea run trout and monster bream.

Aeroplane Spinners - VIC:
Aeroplane spinners are an iconic Australian Murray Cod lure that was controversial in the early days of cod fishing as it was so effective in catching fish. Unsure of exact history of the 'Aeroplane' brand of cod spinners however they were advertised from at least the 1930's and were available until the 1970's.

There was also a version by the Wonder company as shown above.

A.J Lures - QLD:
A.J Lures are made by Allan Churchward of Birkdale, QLD. The lures were originally made in timber and later moulded. Timber versions are uncommon.

Unsure of any other information about these lures except what is shown on cards. Two models shown are both moulded versions - the 'Standard' which is shown in two colours and the 'Macca' which is a prototype weighing in at 7.49 grams given to Ted 'Lofty' Sartori from Esoteric Lures a few years back.
A.J's Custom Lures:
Amazing hand made creative lures and exhibition pieces made by Adrian Adi. Many are one off designs as shown. More information to come. . . .

A.K Lures - Hunter Valley, NSW:
Gary Akers is a highly talented lure maker and makes a wide range of highly effective hand shaped and finished lure models. AK Lures uses a range of native timbers including white beech and red cedar. Models include the 'Morpeth Mauler', 'Bonnel's Boomer', 'Mangrove Mauler', 'Punkinseed' (made in small numbers) and 'Big Mouth' to name a few. See full page bio under A.K Lures

Albie Lures - NSW:
This vintage timber lure is marked 'Albie Lures' and 'Glen Innes. Made by Paul Compton in the early 1990's whose nickname is Albie

Al-bo Lures - NSW:
This vintage lure dates to the 1950's and is a bibless lure that is towed under the chin as shown on the box with a sinker. Used more like a weighted bait. Only one ever seen and shown with box and insert. Advertisemnet is from Anglers Digest, November 1955.

Alicia's Lures - VIC:
These lures have been made for a few years now and are made in Robinvale, Victoria. There are a number of different models aimed at Australian native fish such as bass and murray cod. Shown below are the 80mm model

Allen, Harry Allen Lures - QLD:
Made in Cairns in the early 1980's - these lures are obscure. A photo was shown by Barry Cross, aka 'Captain Cranky' on the Lure Lovers forum. The lure shown opposite is from another collection.

Al's Lures, Allan Alcorn - QLD:
Made on the Sunshine Coast, South East Queensland from the early 80's (possibly late 1970's) by Allan Alcorn from Buderim. Medium speed bluewater trolling lures that were highly effective on mackerel and tuna. Normally hand signed on belly near tail and shaped from timber with a metal bib. Other wise little information available. Rarely seen, the model shown on the right is the 'Action A 17'. These lures seem to be as yet unrecognised by collectors as prices when they appear are minimal which is possibly because they don't get identified.
The bibbed lures below some older timber versions and the lures are large (in the range of 6-10 inches). Allan also made some large bibless trolling lures too as shown below right. Sometimes also referred to as Action Lures or Al's Lures.

Allurin Lures - Darren Foster:
Little information other than what has been mentioned on the Lure Lovers forum by Barry Cross when showing the surface lure pictured below. Alluring Lures were made by Darren Foster who lives in the Hunter Region of NSW near East Maitland. An obscure lure if found from another Australian cottage industry lure maker. Unsure of whether he just made poppers or also made other types of lures. Multi-spotted lure below is another example of a Darren Foster lure. Note the eyes for ID purposes.

Allwood, Doug Allwood Lures - QLD:
Uncommon and obscure lure made by Doug Allwood. Card says Doug Allwood, Bedwell St, Yuleba (near Warwick/Dalby Qld).
Reverse - BL 55's, depth 3-4 metres. Action Narrow-sway. Nuggety little lure 30mm body length and 'heavy' for its size.
The logo says 'Limit your catch - Don't catch your limit'. Apparently these lures are made from fibreglass resin. The lure moulds were originally purchased from the USA and modified for use.
ALM Lures - QLD, NSW:
ALM Lures (stands for Australian Lure Moulds) and were originally made by Steve Muchow from his backyard shed in Beudesert, QLD after Ambush Lures. The ALM name was then sold on to Paul Baston from Casino NSW. Originals were made in timber. Great finish and paint schemes on the fizzers. Models included the 'Mach 75', 'Small Chopper' and 'Cicada Chopper'. Lures will appear from time to time in clam shell packaging with yellow insert card with ALM logo and model name as shown.
The ALM Chopper is by far the most common of the range. There ALM 'Hoobait' is shown opposite and was alos made in small numbers for big pelagics such as wahoo. All ALM lures are moulded and most are signed near the tail.

Alpha Lures - VIC:
Alpha Lures were the marketing name used by M.B Wragg and Company from North Melbourne, Victoria for their range of products that included the legendary Alpha cod spinners, spoons and reels. Photo below shows an Alpha No 2 Cod Spinner, a lure design that was used very successfully for Murray Cod in the early days of lure fishing in the 1920's through to the 1960's. See full page bio under Alpha Tackle. alpha.php

Alpha Kustom Lures:
Alpha Kustom Lures are a newcomer to the market in 2018 with a range of hand crafted timber lures. Made by Adrian Kydd the Al[ha Kustom range has lures for a number of applications in fresh and saltwater. More photos soon . . .
Amblers Lures:
Amblers Lures are a newcomer to the market with an interesting range of hand crafted timber lures. More soon . . .

Ambush Lures - QLD:
Uncommon and highly effective lures made by Steve Muchow of Wellington Point, later moving to Beaudesert. Lures were originally constructed of timber however quickly moved to moulded poly foam and production ceased in 1995. Timber models are rare and hard to value. Even the moulded variety are difficult to find.
Right - an original Ambush Lures sticker

A couple of older timber Ambush lures shown below. Opposite illustrates the two types of cards that have been found.

They came in a pre fabricated plastic packet with yellow inner sleeve or a yellow card. Lures will be signed on belly 'Ambush Lures' and models include 'Bullet 75' and 'Bullet 65' and there is also an Ambush Cray and 'Millenium Bug' model. Earlier timber Ambush lures if NOC will fetch prices in the $20-30 range while the moulded versions $12-15 each depending upon condition.

Various Ambush lures. Photo left shows an ALM 'Chopper' which Stephen Muchow also designed and moulded which is the connection with the Ambush Lure range.

Above is an original photo of the Ambush range and colour codes for the Bullet and Fizzer models
Not many people are aware that there was also an Ambush spinner released. Unsure of exact date of release.

Amott Lures - TAS:
Vintage Tasmanian lures made in the early days. One of the pioneers of the modern day Tasmanian lure makers who make devons and cobras. Lure pictured is part of a display at the Salmon Ponds museum near New Norfolk which is situated on the Plenty River.

Advertisement is from an 1937/38 Tasmanian publication
Anderson, Grant Anderson Lures - QLD:
Grant Anderson is a hobby lure maker that makes injection moulded lures with a model called 'Chopsy' which comes in a few different sizes. Shown here are a small and mid sized model illustrating the signature that will be on the belly near the tail.

Ando Lures - NSW:
Currently being made in Australia by Josh Anderson from Yamba and available. Quality timber lures and various other models such as the 'Insects' range.

Andy's Fishing Lures - TAS:
A vintage maker from Tasmania. The following lures were unearthed in a large lot of vintage trout lures in Launceston in 2018. Presented on a white card with stamp on top and bottom - the lures are a hand made 'cobra' style of lure with harness and leader attached and wound around the card.

There must have been at least 38 colour variations as green lure has this number in corner of card
Anglers' Glory Spinners - TAS:
Made by Athol R. Harris from Oatlands (Tasmania), these devon style spinners are an early copy of the imported devon minnows of the time. There were a number of competing Australian manufacturers in the devon market. According to the card below the Anglers Glory spinner was available in 4 sizes and 42 colours but this is the only colour found on the card. Would be hard to identify if found without the card. Devon style lures tend not to fetch high prices unless older imported versions like the Avon spinner, marked like Hardy (UK) or still on the card. Vintage based on the advertisements below indicates that they were available as early as 1959 and were marketed out of the Oatlands Hotel after Athol secured the rights to manufacture Anglers Glory Spinners from M.R. Burrill from Burnie. It is advertised that 'Lurex' was being used in 4 colours as part of the body makeup in the range.

It is advertised that 'Lurex' was being used in 4 colours as part of the body makeup in advertisement above which dates to 1960.

The above advert is from 1961 and the numbver of colours available has been reduced to 36.

Above shows a carded lure

Advert above is from the Northern Tasmanian Fisheries Association Report for 1959.
Above is an early model showing harness which has a small stopper for rear end of lure and swivel fixed to front end. The lure looks like it has a feather insert and wings are recessed facing back similar to carded lure which is made with Lurex insert.
It seems that the Anglers Glory Spinners made by Athol Harriss differ substantially from the early versions made by Burrill.
Anglers' Glory Spinners - Burnie, Tasmania:
Made by M. R. Burrill in Burnie, Tasmania. The advertisement right is from the Northern Tasmanian Fisheries Association Report for 1933 and lists the Anglers Glory as 'The Wonder Spinner' and available in 6 sizes and 24 colours. A 1951 report lists 5 sizes and 34 colours.

Above shows the original shape of the Burrill made Anglers Glory spinners. This adertisement dates from a mid 1930's Tasmanian publication.
The advertisement left is from 1956. This indicates that M.R. Burrill was the original maker of Anglers Glory Spinners and A.R. Harriss purchased the business by 1959. Interestingly there is mention of colours up to 21 and another product mentioned - Anglers' Glory Anti-Kinks which were used to assist in stopping excess twist in the early monofilament lines when using rotating lures such as devons, ashleys and cobras.
There is an interesting reference to this lure maker in Bob Dunn's book and is quoted here in full;
'During the 1930's a Tasmanian called Burril (sic) produced a small, non-spinning lure made to the specifications of a New Zealander, F.E Thornton, which was described in the Rod Fishers Gazette of May 1937.'
Furthermore Dunn records that Burril worked as a journalist at the Burnie Advocate while operating his lure business out of an old shed at the back of his home and marketing his lures under the name of Anglers Glory Lures. Here follows the reference which indicates he was making lures as early as 1935 and they were not a spinning lure like the lure pictured above;
'For over two years I have been getting Burril of Tasmania, a beautiful worker and manufacturer of superb minnows, to work out my ideas and now finality seems to have been reached. His latest minnows are mounted with a delicate hookwith a very long, thin shank which runs the full length of the body of the minnow. These bodies are of lead but are very small and overlaid with natural feathers and then lacquered over. They are wonderfully lifelike and as they do not spin, their effect in water is preserved.'

ARC Lures - QLD:
Made by Morry Kneebone, ARC stands for Australian Red Cedar and featured poly carbonate bibs and a full length stainless steel wire skeleton from head to tail. Uncommon especially with any of the original packaging as these lures were only made for a short time. The dates when Morry stopped making these is unknown however he has been making lures for a long time and continues to make other models which are easier to identify as they will have little metal keels near the tail. Rarely come up for sale and marked on belly as shown.
See Kneebone, Morry Kneebone Lures

Below are some of the earliest ARC lures that belong to Morry

Armory Lures:
A relative newcomer to the Australian lure making talent that has emerged since 2019. Made by Jason Say. Lure shown is the Armory 'CB Prawn'. More to come . . .

Attack Lures - QLD:
These lures appear from time to time in a plastic sleeve stapled to a blue folded card that says 'Attack Lures, Narangba' with phone number as 3886 6818 (as shown below). Models include a sensational bibless garfish pattern and diving minnows. Peter Munt was instrumental in Attack Lures and kindly provided the following information;
"I owned a 50 percent share of the copy lathe that produced all Attack Lures. I initially painted all "Attack Lures" for Barry Neat. Barry's son in law, Darryl O'Connell purchased a tackle shop and wanted to produce lures on my and Barry's lathe. I initially had a major role in the design construction and painting of the "Attack Lures" , in fact the bibless lures are my design and ownership. I made the pattern for it and other models for them . . . . in fact I painted many of the lures shown on your site."
'QLD' Attacks are uncommon and hence fetch good prices - a used Attack 'Gar' without packet sold on Ebay for $68 in April 2013 and prices seem to be increasing which reflects the rarity of these lures however they mainly sell in the $20 -50 range when available.

The Attack 'Poddy' is a standard minnow style timber lure with metal bib. Apporox 80mm body.

The Attack 'Long Striker' is a bibless lure that was made for fishing at speed or fast trolling. Approx 80mm.

Two colours in the Poddy 90 model.

Attack ' Broken - Gar' - a large minnow style lure

Below shows a pair of bibbed Attack lures which are both nearly 20cm.

Attack Lures - NSW/VIC:
Made in Albury, when Dan Mc Grath took over John Bennett Baby Merlins he called them Merlin Lures for a short time before the name was changed to Attack Lures around 1995. See full page bio under Attack Lures. attack.php
Ashley Lures - TAS:
An older Tasmanian company that made a number of different models that were mainly 'cobra' or 'devon' style lures based in Launceston. They also made a rarer model called the Ashley 'Flatfysh' which was a copy of the super popular Helins Flatfish that was prevalent in the 1960's and 70's. The style of lure was eventually called an 'Ashley' after this early iconic manufacturer. The Ashley devons shown below will be characterised by the wings set facing slightly backward and the copper 'splitpin' harness where the treble hook could be threaded onto the wire harness and pushed through the body. Two different cards are shown - both cards are similar however the numbers are stamped in different positions on the card with 'Ashley' printed on cards and 'Fishing' on the other.

Assassin Lures - QLD:
Dave Carter is the creator of Assassin Lures and started by selling his wares at the Hervey Bay Markets. Hand crafted from selected timbers models include 'Cod Killer', 'Dave's Classic', 'Death Adder', 'Taipan', 'Cobra', 'Tomohawk' and 'Popper'. They can be found on a red and white card with the slogan 'Hook into one now'. Assassin Lures are still being made in limited numbers c.2013. Older models will sell in the $10-20 range depending on model and age. A boxed nude set sold for $60 in 2010. There is also a range of 'Assassin Lures' that were made by Lively Lures c.1994

Assassin Spinnerbaits:
Assassin Spinnerbaits are made by Jeff Anderson and are a quality product that are available in smaller sizes suitable for bass and natives

Aston, Kerry Aston Lures - NSW:
Kerry Aston is from Granville in Sydney, NSW and makes some classic mouse imitation lures. Hand made from timber with twisted wire hook hangers these lures are obviously heavily influenced by the USA made Heddon 'Meadow Mouse' but is slightly larger and more robust. Made specifically for Murray Cod fishing, these lures rarely come up for sale but will fetch up to $50 each.

(Above) These Kerry Aston mouse lures were all found within a 6 month time frame and show 3 colour schemes.
Atta Lures - :
Atta Lures are made by Craig Atta - Singh. More information coming soon . .

Ausprey Tackle - QLD:
Ausprey Tackle closed down in the late 1990's and was a maker of fishing tackle which included a range of metal vibe lures. The lures were made in Salisbury, Brisbane. Advert is from Fishermans Corner column pre. 1996.

(Below) This photo was posted on the Lure Lovers forum in 2014 and shows a few sizes and colours in the Ausprey 'Razor'. This lure is a metal vibe style lure with three tow point options and holographic strip along side. They were made in a number of different sizes. Otherwise little information about full product range or other lures that were available.
(Below) Another group shot showing the Ausprey 'Toby'

Aussie Lures - J & D Hall:
The 'Aussie Lures' name seems to have been used by several Australian lure makers. However there is one confirmed Aussie Lures as having been made by J & D Hall. The lures are handcrafted timber and of unknown origin. The card confirms the makers who may well be a husband and wife team. As photos show the lures are well made with curved metal bibs and lures are signed 'Hall' on the bibs and will often have a 'P' near the tail. Wire is heavy duty for size. Unsure if J & D Hall are the makers of the other 'Aussie Lures' that show up signed and unsigned from time to time but must say the eyes do look very similar. I'm sure the story will unfold over time . . .

Aussie Lures:
Aussie lures are a timber lure of unknown origin. No information on maker or area of manufacture. Some are marked and others not. The lure designs are reminiscent of the Nilsmaster 'Bidgee' and the Killalure minnow design. The following photos were posted on the Lure Lovers forum by Carl Grist, the original maker of the 'C' Lure.
Australian Made Lures - NSW:
Australian Made Lures are a moulded lure made by Henry Williams from Murwillumbah. There are a number of models that are all moulded including a Flopy copy - also look at William's Lures.

Auz - Wiz Lures - NSW:
Allan Drury made these lures a number of years ago from timber and they will be marked and signed near the tail. Allan was a good friend of Maurice Marsden and they fished together years ago - they would paint Rebel lures in the colours they liked and then Maurie started making lures. Allan made lures further down the track and lives in Wardell no longer lives in the Hunter region.