Australian Manufacturers X
If you know of an Australian lure maker no matter how young or old that we have not mentioned in the following list feel free to contact to have the details added or updated.
*Banner image is an early bibbed Yowie lure
X Lures:
Unsure where these lures are made. A high quality moulded lure from Australia that comes in a few models including the X Bug -finish on these lures is excellent and they will be marked with an 'X' on the underside of the lure. Earlier name was 'Matrix Lures''and some models are hand signed with Matrix. It seems as time evolved the name was just dropped to 'X' hence X Lures

Simple clam shell packaging with insert. Model shown is the 'X Bug''

Australian Manufacturers Y
Yerong Creek Lures - NSW:
Made in Dareton, NSW, Yerong Creek lures are a new comer to the scene with a small range of vibes and smaller plastic lures.

Yowie Lures - NSW:
Made by Doug O'Neil, brother of Ray O'Neill who makes Radar Lures. Interesting designs and lures are made from timber. No longer made after the death of Doug in 2007.

All lures are made from timber - earlier models will be hand shaped while most later models were lathe shaped. Older signature in capital letters.

Below are some early random diving models that were made before the lathe bodies became standard

With improved written signature that became a feature of Yowie Lures although not every lure left the workshop signed.

Doug made a wide range of surface lures including paddlers and poppers of all sizes. Lures below are early models - the 'Jitterbug' lure has a hand beaten cupped face and uses a small lathe turned body.

Lure left has very different eyes but that unmistakable lace pattern finish. Another lathe turned body.
Below shows early cards and models for the two styles of diving lure that were available.

Australian Manufacturers Z
Zangrande, Igor Zangande Lures - QLD:
Another Queensland lure maker (from Innisfail) heavily influenced by Eric Moller as shown in the photos. Lures are carved from timber with that classic early 'Queenslander minnow style'. There are two distinctive shapes - the more slender minnow shape and the deeper bodied shad or herring style lure. Rarely come up for sale and can easily be misidentified as there were alot of copies of Eric Moller Minnows. Most Zangrande lures have the red paint line where the bib meets the body. Igor Zangrande lures are well respected and Igor was a bit of a legend of the time and fine angler. Lures pictured are c.1980's.

A pair of Igor Zangrande Big Herrings (above). There are examples without the red line under the bib such as the lures below. Igor did have a distinctive painting style with simple small dots or lines with dashes.

Zed Lures - NSW:
Started by TC Good and finished up around 2001. Currently no other information or photos.
Zoomy Lures - NSW:
Made by Jeremy Menchin in Hunter area of NSW. Zoomy Lures started around 2012/13, after Jeremy has watched and learned from his father Darcy Menchin of Mencho Lures who has been making lures for 30 years.